People’s World 38th Annual African American History Month Celebration
'We who believe in freedom cannot rest'-- Reclaiming the Struggle in 2012
HARTFORD Saturday, February 25 at 6:00 PM at 405 Capitol Ave
NEW HAVEN Sunday, February 26 at 4:00 PM at 37 Howe St
The 38th Annual African American History Month Celebration, “'We who believe in freedom cannot rest' – Reclaiming the Struggle in 2012” expresses our hope and determination to remember the past and our pledge to continue the fight against rising inequality and racism in this election year.
The celebration hosted by the People's World will take place on Saturday, February 25 at 6:00 pm in Hartford at La Paloma Sabanera, 405 Capitol Avenue and on Sunday, February 26 at 4:00 pm in New Haven at the Peoples Center, 37 Howe Street.
Guest speaker Raglan George, Executive Director of AFSCME 1707, represents day care, Head Start and home care workers in New York City. Active in the labor movement for over 40 years, he was raised in Harlem where he learned that the greatest contribution anyone can make to society is to fight for labor rights, peace and justice. With these convictions, he embarked on a journey of political, social and labor activism to eradicate the ills of our society, and is a national leader today.
Tribute will be paid to the legacy of Henry Winston in his 100th birth year. Winston organized African American youth in the South in the 1930s and became National Chair of the Communist Party USA in 1966. Blind due to racist denial of health care while imprisoned for his ideas in the 1950s he proclaimed, “They have taken my sight but they can never take my vision.” Winston led in the world-wide effort to Free Angela Davis and the solidarity movement to dismantle apartheid in South Africa.
In New Haven, prizes will be awarded to participants in the high school arts and writing competition, “What is your vision for the future? How can being involved in the struggle for freedom and equality bring positive change to your life and the larger community?” [Submissions must be received no later than 5 pm Friday, February 17, 2012] Drumming will be performed by Brian Jarawa Gray. Children's posters drawn on Martin Luther King's birthday at the Peabody Museum will be on exhibit.
Both programs will include a light buffet. Tickets are $5 or what you can afford. Information: 203-624-8664
The views, issues, struggles and movements of Connecticut's working families. Sponsored by the Connecticut Communist Party USA.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
No Conviction, But No Freedom: ICE Jails Over 13,000 Immigrants
Posted by Daniel M. Kowalski
"On a single day this past fall, the United States government held 13,185 people in immigration detention who had not been convicted of a crime, some of whom will not be charged with one, according to information The Huffington Post obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.
Instead, at a cost of roughly 2 million taxpayer dollars per day, the innocent men and women were detained while immigration authorities sorted out their fates. This case stands in stark contrast to the stated goal of immigration policy under the administration of President Barack Obama: to detain and deport unauthorized immigrants who've been convicted of crimes. ... " Locking people up is big business.
The Corrections Corporation of America, which gives heavily to both parties, is explicit about the connection between immigrant detention policy and the private prison company's bottom line. "[T]he demand for our correctional and detention facilities and services ... could be adversely affected by changes in existing criminal or immigration laws, crime rates in jurisdictions in which we operate, the relaxation of criminal or immigration enforcement efforts, leniency in conviction, sentencing or deportation practices, and the decriminalization of certain activities that are currently proscribed by criminal laws or the loosening of immigration laws," the company wrote in an analysis for investors filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission." - Elise Foley, Jan. 27, 2012.-- LexisNexis Communities Immigration Law Community
Posted by Tom Connolly
Posted by Daniel M. Kowalski
"On a single day this past fall, the United States government held 13,185 people in immigration detention who had not been convicted of a crime, some of whom will not be charged with one, according to information The Huffington Post obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request.
Instead, at a cost of roughly 2 million taxpayer dollars per day, the innocent men and women were detained while immigration authorities sorted out their fates. This case stands in stark contrast to the stated goal of immigration policy under the administration of President Barack Obama: to detain and deport unauthorized immigrants who've been convicted of crimes. ... " Locking people up is big business.
The Corrections Corporation of America, which gives heavily to both parties, is explicit about the connection between immigrant detention policy and the private prison company's bottom line. "[T]he demand for our correctional and detention facilities and services ... could be adversely affected by changes in existing criminal or immigration laws, crime rates in jurisdictions in which we operate, the relaxation of criminal or immigration enforcement efforts, leniency in conviction, sentencing or deportation practices, and the decriminalization of certain activities that are currently proscribed by criminal laws or the loosening of immigration laws," the company wrote in an analysis for investors filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission." - Elise Foley, Jan. 27, 2012.-- LexisNexis Communities Immigration Law Community
Posted by Tom Connolly
The Hartford Courant decided to bring in a non-union cleaning contractor on December 1st, at the expense of the eight long-term union cleaners. Some of the eight union workers have been with the Courant for over 20 years. At the same time the Courant is cutting union jobs with health health insurance it participates in the Management Incentive Program. The Courant parent company and the Courant managers stand to receive combined bonuses of up to $42,500,000 dollars. The fight to save union jobs at the Courant will continue.
Posted by: Tom Connolly