Just two days after a huge march and
rally in support of 750 striking Unite Here Local 26 Harvard dining
hall workers, the University agreed to the contract demands for wage
increases to $35,000 a year and to maintain current healthcare
This significant victory for the lowest
paid workers at the wealthiest university in the world was won with
solidarity from students and faculty on campus, and union workers
across New England. It was the first strike at Harvard in 33 years.
Connecticut Unite Here food service and
university workers came by bus and car to take part in the march and
rally. The experience made them even more committed to winning their
own current contract negotiations for a living wage and affordable
health care benefits.
Food service workers from Southern
Connecticut State University (SCSU) were among those to take the trip
up to Boston, some with their children and families, to march and
rally alongside hundreds of their food service brothers and sisters
at Cambridge's Commons Park. They could relate to the strike demands
since they are in contract negotiations with one of the wealthiest
food service companies, Compass Group U.S.A,
"We're facing the same issues our
people up in Boston are facing," said SCSU union member Rodney
Cox, during the drive to Harvard. "They're trying to take food
from all of our families' mouths. We are mostly minority, we work
for these rich universities and corporations, and we are trying to
provide for our children in these times," he said. "These
are greedy rich people who want to take everything we fought for away
from us, and before we allow that to happen we will go on strike if
we have to like our family in Harvard!"
SCSU dining hall shop steward George
Sanchez brought his second oldest son with him, "to show him the
power of people coming together peacefully to rally and march for
change and worker's rights. We all want better pay and benefits,"
he said.
Local 217 members have been rallying.
marching and holding job actions at SCSU, Wesleyan University,
Fairfield University and the University of Hartford as part of
Unite-Here's October Month Of Action, a three-week solidarity with
dining hall employees in contract negotiations.
"Every Saturday we have been
fighting, and it's all gonna pay off, we have a voice and we are
making our voices known along side our Harvard family, who truly need
our support right now," said Sanchez angrily said as he glanced
out the window on the rainy day. "We're fighters, It's in are
blood," he said as he cracked a smile. "No Contract, No
Peace! No Contract, No Peace!."
Members of Unite Here Locals 34 and 35
at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut also took a break from
their own contract negotiations with wealthy Yale University to
travel to Harvard and support their sisters and brothers on strike.
They were joined by Local 33, the graduate teacher union that has
filed a complaint with the NLRB to gain recognition from Yale, and
their community affiliate New Haven Rising,
The cost of health care premiums and
co-pays, one of the main issue of Harvard's strike, is also a big
issue for Connecticut's Local 217 members. Increased health care
premiums and higher co-pays will be devastating for all dining hall
employees and are a matter of life and death.
The arguments Harvard made, that
worker's wages are higher than most food service workers and that
health costs have risen steeply, are the same arguments major food
service companies and universities are using everywhere to avoid
paying livable wages and benefits.
For the food service workers this
raised a class question: how can workers survive a capitalism that
will not pay them wages and benefits they or their families need to
live on comfortably?
"This march opens our eyes to the
fact that we're all under attack!" John DeCarbo a University of
Hartford employee said.
"We're here to support our
brothers and sisters from Boston to let them know we're here in the
fight with them. We're rallying and marching for the same thing in
Connecticut. Our food service company Compass Group U.S.A. has the
money to give us fair wages and benefits, just as Harvard can do the
same for it's employees" Sanchez exclaimed.