The views, issues, struggles and movements of Connecticut's working families. Sponsored by the Connecticut Communist Party USA.
Sunday, November 1, 2020
People's World Amistad Awards 2020
United For The World We Want
Celebrating Resilience, Solidarity and Vision
This year's People's World Amistad Awards will take place on Saturday, December 12, 2020 at 4:00 pm as a virtual concert program, with printed greeting book mailed to participants. The theme is UNITED FOR THE WORLD WE WANT Celebrating Resilience, Solidarity and Vision." For greeting book ad form e-mail to: Deadline for text is November 20, 2020
We are excited to announce this year's awardees:
Barbara Vereen, staff director Unite Here Local 34 and Unite Here Black Leadership Group, leading the fight for a strong contract with job pipelines from Black and brown neighborhoods to union jobs at Yale, and Ward 20 co-chair in Newhallville.
Rob Baril, president SEIU District 1199 New England, leading the fight for protective gear and resources for nursing home caregivers, largely Black and Latino women, taking on the healthcare industry, and bringing forward union leaders of color.
Jan Hochadel, president AFT Connecticut, leading the fight for workplace safety in the pandemic for public school staff and students, health care workers and public employees, serving as vice president of AFT, executive vice president CT AFL-CIO.
Councilwoman Wildaliz Bermudez (Working Families Party) a fighter for social and environmental justice, committed to bringing forth progressive policies and advocacy in Hartford, currently leading the fight for a strong civilian review board.
We pay tribute in the fight for the rights of essential workers and all workers irregardless of immigration status during the COVID pandemic, the rise of the movement for Black lives, and the fight of our lives in the 2020 elections.
The Awards event is held on the occasion of the 101st anniversary of the Communist Party USA. The Garifuna Culture Band will be the feature performance.
We Unite for the World We Want in 2020 to get out the vote demanding democratic rights, an end to systemic racism, inequalities, climate crisis and war, envisioning a society that puts people and planet before corporate profits.
In Solidarity,
People's World Amistad Awards Committee