Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Hundreds March to Protect Our Future

Marches, rallies and protests filled the streets in Connecticut this week as the resistance to Trump's Project 2025 expands.

The Hillhouse High School marching band led hundreds of members of the New Haven Federation of Teachers, students and families from Gateway Community College to the New Haven Green in a march to “Protect Our Kids” and demand fully funded schools, not tax cuts to billionaires.

American Federation of Teachers (AFT) president Randi Weingarten joined the march as Trump installed Linda McMahon as Education Secretary with the goal of dismantling the Department of Education.

Let's fill the streets with a clear message - When public education is under attack, what do we do? Stand up fight back!” said NHFT president Leslie Blatteau.

A nationally coordinated protest to stop the attack on democracy by Trump and Musk was held at the State Capitol and in Willimantic. A march to expand TRUST Act protections for immigrant families in Connecticut proceeded from Hartford City Hall to the State Capitol.

A rally at the West Haven VA to stop the attacks on federal workers and communities was called by the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) and the CT AFL CIO. Rep Rosa DeLauro and US Sen. Richard Blumenthal vowed to stop the layoffs of federal workers and cuts to services.

It's not just the workers who are under assault from an unelected billionaire. It's the services our communities count on. And everyone who relies on federal funding,” said the CT AFL-CIO.

Make no mistake: this is all part of a Project 2025 strategy to exhaust and overwhelm working people from all angles as quickly as possible so we can't fight back. We will not let Donald Trump and Elon Musk cut Medicare, reduce Social Security benefits, eliminate federal funding for our schools, layoff and fire critical workers, cut services and staff for our veterans, and so much more,” their statement concluded.

A rally with Rep. John Larson in Hartford and retiree and senior organizations demanded an end to threats to dismantle or privatize Social Security.

“A fight for our freedom, our families, and our future” - 51st People's World Black History Celebration

By Jahmal Henderson

A spirit of resistance filled the New Haven Peoples Center as an overflow crowd celebrated the power of unity at the 51st People's World Black History celebration themed “Black Youth Leadership – Resistance 2.0 in Today's Freedom Struggle.”

This is a fight for our freedom, our families, and our future,” .said keynote speaker Aaron Booe, national Young Communist League USA organizer.. “Victory depends on our ability to unite, resist, and build the better world we deserve.”

The celebration included awarding of prizes for the annual arts and writing competition grades 8 to 12, a youth panel and African drumming.

Welcoming the event, emcee Mary Thigpen received huge applause saying the event was part of building the resistance movement.

The celebration kicked off with presentations by the winners of the Arts And Writing Competition.

Third place winner Jay’Den Morris, a sophomore from Cooperative Arts and Humanities High School, recited her poem 'Equality In Our School,' emphasizing the importance of equality and unity among students.

Second place winner, a senior at Educational Center for the Arts, Jayden Davis' dance choreography to Sam Cooke’s 'A Change Is Gonna Come” was presented in an extraordinary video.

First place winner Journey Rosa, a freshman at Sound School, performed her powerful poem The Color Line about race and the inspiration of historical freedom fighters for today's struggle against hate, racism, sexism, and bigotry.

A dynamic youth panel discussion, moderated by Ramzie Highsmith, art teacher and activist, featured John Carlos Serana Musser, a student representative on the New Haven Board of Education; Torell Yarbough, artist/ youth organizer in New Haven's Newhall/Dixwell neighborhood, his mentor Remidy Shareef, a leader of New Haven Rising; Ambar Santiago-Rojas, a youth immigrant rights organizer; and A.J. Johnson youth organizer with “Ice The Beef” anti-violence organization.

A.J. discussed the negative effects of social media on young people including misinformation and emphasized addressing the issues, urging the youth to consider how current events will impact their lives

John talked about the difficulty of convincing young people they can make a difference, and how organizing and a strategic plan can help address the fear among students due to Trump administration deportations and dismantling the Department of Education.

Ambar highlighted the challenges of motivating young people to take action and getting adults to listen to their voices. She discussed her efforts to raise awareness about the fight for undocumented immigrants' rights and defending people against Trump policies.

Torrell emphasized the need for solidarity to address the challenges youth face, and the need to stay informed, and push to create more safe spaces. Remidy Shareef emphasized the urgent need to support the youth, community involvement in nurturing young people and organizing entire families to address the daily struggles they face.

Keynote speaker Aaron Booe shared his experiences with labor organizing, youth alliances, and social justice movements. A recent graduate of Howard University, he highlighted the work he's doing in Washington DC with the Communist Party USA.

At this moment Black youth leadership is critical,” he said. “The MAGA movement is working to undo the hard won victories of past generations from civil rights to labor rights. They seek to send us to the back of the bus, back to the closets and back to the shadows. But we are not going back!” he declared to prolonged applause.

Booe discussed how Black youth are continuing the freedom fights of previous leaders like Frederick Douglass during Reconstruction, and Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who drew inspiration from the Reconstruction era for his civil rights leadership.

He stressed the importance of using strategies from both eras in today's freedom struggle. “Douglass understood that victory requires unity and that movements succeed by uniting all the forces that can be united to defeat the immediate enemy, This lesson remains just as relevant today”.

At the the heart of this struggle was the unity of young people,“ he said/ “Black, white youth through organizations like Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee which led voter registrations and organized sit ins and militant direct actions. All of this contributed to  Dr King in the late 1960’s understanding that the fight for civil rights was inseparable to the fight for labor rights”.

Booe noted how Black youth must continue to organize in this next phase of the struggle, whether through boycotts or campus sit-ins. “We must build the broadest People's United Front ever. It will take unity and resistance to create a better future and world. “

Today’s movement, today’s freedom struggle, resistance 2.0 must defeat the second confederacy the unholy alliance of white supremest and corporate oligarchs who seek to transform our country into a far right billionaire dictatorship”. said Booe.

To conclude the celebration, acclaimed African percussionist Brian Jarawa Gray led a drum circle, engaging the crowd in a rhythmic finale.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Students Inspire at 51st People's World Black History Event


Black Youth Leadership – Resistance 2.0 in Today's Freedom Struggle.” was the theme of this year's annual People's World Black History Month Arts and Writing Competition Grades 8 to 12.

The prompt quoted Civil Rights activist Ella Baker, “We Who Believe In Freedom Will Not Rest Until It's Won.” Students were asked to express in artwork, essay, poetry, rap or song:

  • What can you do along with others in your school to promote equality?

  • What can you do along with your friends to reject, and educate against, hate speech?

  • Reflect on historical figures in the freedom struggle and victories that were won. How can you help continue the fight and work to change your community now?

Journey Rosa, grade 9, Sound School won first place for her poem The Color Line.

The Color Line

by Journey Rosa

What happens when your skin is a question
That no one wants to answer?
When the world looks at you and demands,
Choose who you are,
Choose what side of the line you stand on,
Choose where your loyalty lies—
As if I could split myself down the middle
And still be whole.

I am mixed.
My skin is a canvas of histories colliding,
Of worlds that weren’t meant to meet but did.
I am the child of two truths
That society calls a lie.
Too dark for one,
Too light for the other—
Forever straddling a line I never drew.

But I’m not alone.
There are others like me,
Others whose existence defies division.
Together, we choose to stand—not apart,
But as one.
We reject the lines they draw to divide us.
In our schools, we build bridges,
Speaking truths that challenge ignorance,
Creating spaces where no voice goes unheard.

With my friends, we fight hate speech with knowledge.
We teach that words can heal as much as they can harm.
We celebrate every story, every shade,
Because no one is less for being different.
In classrooms, we stand tall,
Calling out injustice when we see it,
Reminding everyone:
An injury to one is an injury to all.

We carry the torch lit by those before us.
Ella Baker, who believed in freedom’s urgency.
James Chaney, Andrew Goodman—
Young lives lost for a vision of equality.
They fought for a future where color was not a cage,
And now we fight to protect that dream.

We honor their victories,
From the sit-ins that desegregated lunch counters
To the marches that demanded the right to vote.
Their courage teaches us
That every step forward is a step worth taking,
That silence is not an option.

So here’s what I pledge:
I will not stand by when hatred is spoken.
I will speak up when bigotry tries to hide.
I will work with others to create a community
Where every face, every name,
Is met with respect, not judgment.

In my school, we will organize.
Clubs that celebrate diversity,
Events that open eyes and hearts.
We will remind each other that our strength
Lies in the bonds we build,
In the walls we tear down.

This fight is far from over.
The line still runs deep—
Across oceans, across borders, across generations.
But together, we will break it.
Not with hate, but with love.
Not with silence, but with voices raised in harmony.

So I ask you this:
When you see us,
When you see me,
What will you do?
Will you join us in this fight?
Will you take the pledge to stand in solidarity?

Because the line ends with us.
With those who refuse to let history repeat itself.
With those who believe that freedom
Belongs to everyone, not just a few.

We who believe in freedom will not rest,
Until every hand is held,
Every voice is heard,
And the line is gone.”

Day of Action Demands No Federal Cuts to School Funding


March 4 is a Protect Our Kids Day of Action to defend public education, demanding that Congress say no to tax cuts for the ultra-rich and oppose slashing education funding

The New Haven Federation of Teachers will march from Gatheway Community College at 4:00 pm to the New Haven Green, joined by parents, caregivers, union members, students and neighbors to protect neighborhood schools and the services children and families depend on.

Connecticut Education Association (CEA) members across the state will wear red to support public schools and the need to restore and protect essential education funding.

Ongoing assaults on federal education funding threaten school districts facing budget cuts as they struggle to provide students the resources they need. At a CEA news conference at Manchester High School, teachers, parents, lawmakers, and community members shared powerful stories. Connecticut schools, stand to lose more than $321 million in federal granta that support low-income students, early childhood education, children with disabilities, and more.

President Trump’s gutting of education spending will have devastating consequences for

Connecticut students, families, and teachers,” said U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal. “Slashing

this federal funding, much of which was already approved by Congress, will imperil crucial

programs that support students and keep kids on track. I will continue fighting these draconian

and short-sighted cuts so that every child in our state can continue to benefit from a top-notch


These cuts are devastating for our students, their families, and our entire education system,”

said CEA President Kate Dias. “They disproportionately affect those who need the most help

and already face the greatest challenges—students in our poorest communities, those with the

greatest needs, and young learners entering the education system in Head Start programs.

Without these vital programs, we risk leaving behind a generation of students.”

Without federal funding, school districts will lose millions for critical services for students, and

will have to consider cutting essential programs, reducing staff, and limiting resourcs.

Now is the time to raise our voices, demand action from our leaders, and fight for the future our children deserve.” said Dias.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Connecticut Rallies Join National Resistance


Three large nationally coordinated President's Day rallies rocked Connecticut. in Hartford, New Haven, and Old Saybrook, with thousands gathered to collectively demand: STOP THE COUP. Additional actions are planned in the coming weeks to boycott the large monopolies backing the Trump/Musk attack on working class gains.

In Old Saybrook, the community speakers explained that America’s democracy is under attack.

Donald Trump and Elon Musk are responsible for dismantling the civil service, firing workers, gutting government programs, and exposing the personal information of millions of Americans to “flood the zone” and to overwhelm workers and cripple the bulwark that blunted Trump’s first administration.

The speakers encouraged rally-goers and onlookers get organized, and join community organizations and political groups mobilizing to protect civil society. They shared that the thousands of phonecalls flooding Congress were having a tremendous impact on mobilizing political leadership. But, more still had to be done.

At the State Capitol in Hartford 1,000 people lined the sidewalks with signs and chants cheering the many cars that honked as they passed by. In New Haven about 500 people gathered in front of City Hall with many creative chants like “Hey Hey Ho Ho Trump and Musk Have Got to Go,” demanding that their assault as billionaires on peoples needs and rights be stopped immediately.

Upcoming national coordinated actions will target the large monopolies that are backing the

Trump/Musk coup. On February 28, during a 24-hour “buy nothing shutdown,” not a dollar will be spent on purchases from big businesses while Trump and Musk dismantle our civil society.

From March 7 to 14, a week-long boycott will target Amazon, the largest retailer in the United States. Rally organizers said these two actions were being planned to target the capitalists that are backing the Trump/Musk coup.

Before 400 people marched down Main Street in Old Saybrook, the last speaker quoted Martin Luther King, Jr.: “The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and racism. The problems of racial injustice and economic injustice cannot be solved without a radical redistribution of political and economic power.” Shop and restaurant goers came out to read the signs.“Stop the Coup.” “Oligarchs Should not be in Our Government.” “Stop the Billionaire Takeover.” “Rule of Law for All.” “America has no King.” “No Dictators.” “Stop Facism.”

Tenants and Workers Organize: Eviction Protections and UI for Striking Workers


In the midst of challenging economic and social times, tenant, union and immigrant coalitions are organizing to protect and expand their rights during this state legislative session. Heaing rooms were packed for the Labor Committee hearing on unemployment for striking workers and the Housing Committee hearing for just cause eviction protection for tenants

The labor committee hearing on allowing unemployment insurance for striking workers after two weeks on the picket line included nine hours of moving testimonies from workers who have experienced weeks on the picket line after being forced on strike by corporations refusing to negotiate a fair contract. Senator Marty Looney led the testimony drawing on his family experience and those of his constituents insisting that as workers are organizing for their rights the bill is essential this year.

Scores of tenants turned out to testify before the Housing Committee in support of HB 6889 to expand Just Cause eviction protections, led by Connecticut Tenants Union, Make the Road CT, Connecticut Fair Housing Center; and allies from Connecrticut for All. The Just Cause coalition is giving voice to the dire needs of tenants in the midst of the severe housing crisis. Many testimonies emphasized housing as a huan right, citing rising homelessness due to mega landlord greed.

HB 6889, An Act Concerning Evictions for Cause expands existing protections to prohibit no-fault, “lapse of time” evictions to all tenants who have lived in a complex with five or more units for at least one year. It requires a landlord to provide a reason to evict or non-renew a lease of covered tenants, such as not paying the rent, violating the lease, engaging in illegal activity, or refusing to agree to a fair and equitable rent increase. The current law, in place for over 40 years, protects tenants who are 62 years or older or have a disability and live in a complex with five or more units. Expanding Just Cause to all renters has no cost to the state, and provides immediate relief to tenants, reducing evictions by 11%, and preventing countless move-out notices.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

51st Annual Celebrates Black Youth Leadership Resistance 2.0 in Today's Freedom Struggle


As we celebrate Black History Month and recognize the achievements of African Americans in our country, we are excited to announce the forthcoming People’s World 51st Black History Month Celebration which is sponsored annually by Connecticut People's World Committee. This year's theme is "BLACK YOUTH LEADERSHIP: Resistance 2.0 in Today's Freedom Struggle," focusing on our youth defending their democratic rights and protecting our future by rejecting racism, bigotry, militarism, and division.

The event unites the community and youth in solidarity to celebrate our diverse working class, pledging to organize for multi-racial workers' rights. Our special guest keynote speaker, Aaron Boon, National YCL Coordinator for the CPUSA, alongside an inspiring youth panel, will discuss the importance of youth organizing and involvement in resistance movements.

Additionally, the African American History Month 2025 Arts and Writing Competition for students in grades 8 to 12 encourages creative submissions—artwork, essays, poetry, rap, or song—centered around the following questions:

1. What can you do with others in your school to promote equality?

2. What can you do with your friends to reject and educate against hate speech?

3. How can you help continue the fight and work to change your community now?

The celebration will feature an exceptional drumming performance by acclaimed musician Brian Jarawa Gray, showcasing African cultural drumming. Join us on Saturday, February 22nd, at 4:00 PM at the New Haven People’s Center, located at 37 Howe Street, New Haven, Connecticut for this significant celebration and contribute to building a better future.

'Resistance 2.0' to Stop the Coup Grows in Connecticut


by Joelle Fishman

The crowd was overflowing at Duffy Elementary School in Wast Hartford on Saturday for a Townhall meeting with Senators Chris Murphy and Richard Blumenthal called together on 48 hours notice.

Murphy, who has taken a lead in the U.S. Senate challenging the constitutionality of the Trump administration, received a prolonged standing ovation when he entered the auditorium. “I am here for two reasons, and maybe you are too,” he said. “One because I believe our democracy is worth fighting for, and two because I demand to live in a country where we do not fear our neighbors, we love our neighbors.” His statement brought another prolonged applause.

In addition to the 700 crammed into the school, hundreds more were participating on YouTube.

Following Trumps executive order and memo withholding federal funds to local programs the week before, sending healthcare, childcare, nutrition and countless other programs into crisis in Connecticut and across the country, the unconstitutionality of the administration's actions brought alarm, protests and court actions.

The courts overturned the memo withholding funds on the grounds that Congress controls all funding, but Trump made it clear that he will implement the executive order.

Murphy challenged the role of Elon Musk and DOGE saying,“in a democracy we can protect ourselves against abuses from those elites, from those billionaires, from those corporations who just want to amass power.”

Many who lined up at the mic to comment called on the Senators to do everything in their power to stop the coup. In response to one question Murphy declared, “don't feel hopeless, organize!” adding that “the first step is to show up in large numbers as we are doing.”

Audience members invited other participation to get involved in their organizations including Indivisible and faith groups. Bette Marafino, president of CT Alliance for Retired Americans urged those present to call friends and family they have who live in Republican states.

Murphy pledged to refuse to cupport confirmation of any nominees, saying ““If you’re signing up to destroy the constitution of the United States, I don’t want any part of your journey.”

Other questions centered on specific attacks including how to defend Diversity Equity and Inclusion against attempts to dismantle anti-racism. “Call it out for what it is – white supremacy.” was the reply.

In New Have, the snowfall that evening did not stop the annual run the next day to raise funds for the immigrant and refugee group IRIS. Thousands took to the streets affirming support for IRIS following withdrawal of federal funds leaving them struggling to survive.

At a press conference the following day New Haven Mayor Justin Elicker announced that the city has joined a lawsuit with San Francisco, Portland Oregon and King County Washington against the Trump administration to protect ”welcoming city” for undocumented immigrants..

The lawsuit challenges Trump's exeutive order to end funds for “sanctuary cities.” New Haven's “Welcoming City” order prohibits city workers from asking immigration status, disclosing confidential information, or using city resources to assist in an investigation unless compelled by state or federal law, or to coordinate with ICE.

The mayor said the city has received over $64 million in DOJ grants for violence prevention, adding that the threat of a federal funding freeze could impact moe than 300 city workers.

Since November immigrant groups and their allies began meeting, expanding relationships, studying what to do in the case of a visit from ICE, preparing the community to know its rights with “red cards” that explaining that ICE must have a court warrant signed by a judge to make an arrest.

In addition, Connecticut's Trust Act prevents state workers of sharing information with ICE. Attorney General William Tong has constantly affirmed that Connecticut is a welcoming state, and has filed numerous lawsuits against Trump's unconstitutional eecutive orders.

The previous week labor and progressive elected officials were in the house as 1500 people turned out for an historic Solidarity Summit hosted by the Unite Here unions at Yale and in Connecticut. Union workers courageously told their stories and vowed to stand firm for their democratic rights. (See story page four).

The Communist Party has been issuing weekly “Rapid Response” calls to action, this week for calls to Congress to “Stop the Coup”.

Rapid Response - Stop the Coup!



Call or visit your Senators and demand that they join with their colleagues to publicly oppose the appointments of ALL Trump nominees. Call or visit your Senators and Representative to demand Elon Musk be fired and his attempts to hijack our money and the government be immediately halted. Represent the interests of working class people — not the billionaires! Call today 202-225-3121 and ask for your Senators and your Representative!

Please share with your coworkers, friends, family, and neighbors.

Solidarity Summit Inspires Organizing


by Jahnal Henderson

Over a thousand people from New Haven and across Connecticut gathered at Trinity Temple for a Solidarity Summit convened by the three Unite Here locals at Yale, the hospitality workers local and New Haven Rising, a community organization for racial, economic and social justice. Present were New Haven’s alders, state legislators and several Connecticut constitutional officers.

The large crowd was greeted with an enthusiastic welcome from Rev. Scott Marks, who emphasized the importance of organizing in solidarity to fight against the Trump administration federal policies that benefit the rich and not the working people. 

Rev. Marks also called for continuing protest for racial and economic justice, good union jobs, safe affordable housing, and economic opportunities to create a better future for all, especially the youth.

It feels like a boom is happening in this city,” shouted Rev. Scott Marks to the crowd, “But my question is: It’s a boom for whom?”

Union leaders and members addressed the standing room only audience, emphasizing the importance of unity and the fight for better wages and respect and for Yale to increase its financial contributions to the city. Omni hotel workers Local 217 recalled settling a contract last September after hard-fought negotiations and strike, while Local 33 gtaduate teachers celebrated their union contract after 30 years of retaliation from Yale University.

Jennifer Chona, Ward 4 co-chair, shared her concerns about protections for undocumented immigrants and Mareika Phillips, of New Haven Rising, said she and her loved ones have been used as “a tool for hate and division” calling for protections for LGBTQ communities. Jewell McKiever also speaking for New Haven Rising emphasized how organizing can bring change.

The overflow audience that filled the sanctuary and foyer of the church was inspired by the powerful words of keynote speaker Gwen Mills, national president of UNITE HERE, who said, “We need to turn handwringing into fist-pumping. Turn worrying into work. And fear into power!”

Two priorities of the Summit included a new effort to push Yale to finance a “People’s Endowment,” and passing state Senate Bill 8 to make striking workers eligible for unemployment benefits. “Right here at home,” Mills said, “we’ve got to pass SB-8, mobilize this city for affordable housing, and insist that Yale settles fair contracts and redistributes money in the City of New Haven to level the playing field once and for all.”

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Clergy Deliver Letter for a Moral Budget


Despite the snow, faith leaders representing community members across the state came together this week to deliver a letter - signed by over 120 clergy leaders -  to legislative leadership and the Governor, calling for a state budget that addresses the crisis of need in Connecticut, including a substantive modification of the fiscal guardrails that prioritizes working people and disrupts pattern of systemic racism and generational poverty. 

This letter represents a demand from our faith community for the Governor and legislative leaders to do what’s right by the Connecticut residents who are unable to thrive in our state without bold investment in the programs and services that lift up our communities and economy. 

As a faith leader, when we consider a “moral budget,” in my congregation, we reflect on the budget we present to our congregation, which embodies our identity as followers of Christ and how we believe Jesus urges us to be His hands, hearts, and feet in our community and the world today,” said  Reverend Tracy Johnson Russell, Rector at St. Monica’s Episcopal Church in Hartford and  strategy team member for the Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance (GHIAA).

For too long the state’s fiscal roadblocks have diverted massive financial resources away from the general fund, out of reach of the legislature, out of reach of the governor, creating the fiscal crisis our people and communities now face,” said Reverend Josh Pawelek, minister of the Unitarian Universalist Society East in Manchester, a leader with the Greater Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance and Connecticut for All, “The roadblocks may be a profitable arrangement for wall street bondholders and the state’s wealthiest citizens, but they are slowly impoverishing the people of Connecticut and the institutions they rely on. We see it every day. It needs to end.”

It has been brought to my attention that we have many healthcare professionals in our congregation and it has been expressed that many who are in this industry are working families being set up by legislators to become hurting families,” said Dr. David Michael Bailey, Co-Pastor of the First Cathedral of Bloomfield, “They cannot afford to live like a decent human being and these people are caretaking for individuals who cannot take care of themselves. These caretakers are put into a cesspool of inequities and are being unjustly robbed by budgetary restrictions.”

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Communities Come Together for Immigrant Rights

Trainings to educate and empower Connecticut residents on their rights in the event of an ICE raid have been taking place across the state organizated by local immigrant rights groups including Hartford Departation Defense, Unidad Latina en Accion, Semilla Collective, IRIS, and statewide groups like the ACLU and Indivisible, legal aid lawyers and unions like the teachers union.

Connecticut law under the Trust Act prohibits state workers from cooperating with ICE, although they cannot obstruct actions by ICE. Cities like New Haven also have laws that prohibit public workers from sharing information with ICE. When hate fliers saying “Get Out” appeared in the East Rock neighborhood of New Haven, city officials responded by clearing them all out. Hate crimes can be reported to the Attorney General's office.

In notes from an ACLU Know Your Rights zoom training last week Shoreline Indivible emphasided “This will be a long haul. As the Rev Dr Martin Luther King said, “A person dies when he/she refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man/woman dies wen he/she refuses to stand up for justice. A man/woman dies when he/she refuses to take a tand for that which is true.”

Actions to support immigrants democratic rights reviewed at the training included accompanying immigrant neighbors to court appointnemts and registering for rapid response if help is needed on an immediate basis. Resrouces are available at the ACLU website and at the City of New Haven website.


A flier being circulated in English and Spanish is aimed at helping prepare for ssfety if ICE comes to the door:

CT Tenants Fight for Just Cause Eviction Protections


The State Legislature was put on notice this week that tenants and their allies demand passage of extended Just Cause eviction protections in 2025. A capitol press conference organized by the Connecticut Tenants Union (CTTU) and Make the Road Connecticut with 44 partner organizations launched the campaign with participation from Rep Antonio Felipe and Sen Martha Marx, joint chairs of the Housing Committee.

In a message to landlords Felipe said, “Housing is a human right. You have to deal in a fair and equitable way, and that’s what we’re asking.”


Just Cause eviction protection requires landlords to provide a justification for an eviction—grounds for which are listed in state law—and protects tenants without a lease or who are month-to-month from being asked to move out or evicted for no reason.

Most renters are not covered by Connecticut’s existing Just Cause law, and landlords can force tenants from their homes on short notice by refusing to renew a lease or filing an eviction without any justification, even if the tenant is in good standing.

For more than 40 years, Just Cause eviction protections have covered tenants who are 62 and over or disabled and live in complexes with five or more units. This existing law provides greater housing stability for the state’s most vulnerable populations. Tenants are asking the legislature to expand those protections to all tenants, excluding owner-occupied 1-4 family buildings.

The problems facing tenants in Connecticut are dire. Over 15,759 Connecticut households have been evicted without cause between 2017 and 2024. One in twenty renter households in Connecticut now face eviction, and Connecticut has some of the highest eviction rates in the country, disproportionately impacting Black and Latine tenants who are also more likely to be evicted..

Corporate landlords are evicting thousands of families with nowhere to go. Whole communities and neighborhoods are vanishing in 30 days. And what’s the reason? Greed,” said Hannah Sajer president of the CTTU. “A no vote against just cause is a vote against the working people of this state.”

Expanding Just Cause eviction protection would prevent an estimated 11% of eviction filings and countless forced moves. Just Cause would also protect tenants from landlords who use no-fault evictions to gentrify complexes or to intimidate, retaliate, and discriminate against tenants. It is a cost-free solution that will help create safe, stable, and affordable housing. 

Connecticut Leaders Challenge Trump’s Federal Cuts Threatening Thousands


Reaction in Connecticut and across the country was instant when the White House ordered an immediate halt to federal grant programs, endangering thousands in an act of open class warfare.

People’s lives and their livelihoods are at stake,” said Rep. Rosa DeLauro, ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee. “The Constitution makes it clear: The power of the purse resides with the Appropriations Committee.” She caled the vicious move “nothing less than highway robbery,” and “President Trumpt's theft of taxpayer dollars.”

Connecticut is one of 21 states filing a lawsuit to end the theft. Attorney General William Tong called the act an “arbitrary and capricious order” violating the separation of powers.

Connecticut for All, a large labor-community-faith coalition of many organizations that provide basic services said, “Despite being temporarily blocked by a D.C. federal judge, this decision risks disrupting essential programs that support our local governments, educational institutions, and community services, which rely heavily on federal funding to meet the needs of our communities.”

At stake are Women, Infants and Children (WIC); Title IX; special education funds; Head Start, home energy rebates; housing for the elderly and disabled; most programs under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law; veteran programs; the Crime Victims Fund; community health centers; substance abuse prevention and more.

Over 30,000 members of SEIU 1199NE are ready to stand up against this threat, as we have done throughout our history,” said Rob Baril, President of SEIU 1199, “ This latest threat from the administration endangers funding for hospitals, nursing homes, state agencies, and community programs across Connecticut. It is a direct attack on some of our most vulnerable.”

These programs provide a lifeline to families struggling to make ends meet, ensuring they have the support needed to put food on the table and keep their families stable,” said Karime Pimentel, Naugatuck Valley Project, “Removing these resources only deepens poverty, exacerbates inequality, and places unnecessary strain on local communities and services. At a time when many are still recovering from economic hardships, these cuts are not only heartless—they are short-sighted and harmful to the very fabric of our society." 

Title I funds are crucially important to sustain the impactful work that takes place in our schools throughout the state of CT,” said Leslie Blatteau, President, New Haven Federation of Teachers Local 933, and AFT-CT Divisional Vice President for PreK12, “If these funds are frozen, our students’ academic, social, and emotional wellbeing will be at risk. As we continue to prioritize our students’ needs, we know we need more staff and more opportunities, not threats of layoffs and shuttered programs as a result of President Trump’s overreach.” 

The housing market as we know it depends on federal housing subsidies,” said Hannah Srajer, President, Connecticut Tenants Union, “Sudden removal of federal funding to critical housing programs–including homelessness services, rental assistance, public housing, legal aid, and more–will force millions more tenants into eviction and homelessness, leaving huge portions of the working class even more vulnerable to predation, deprivation, and, frankly, death. Tenants must prepare for the worst by organizing ourselves into unions resilient enough to combat the anti-tenant, anti-poor, anti-working class agenda of this administration.” 

Federal funding is critical to the future of our early education and climate change mitigation. Our Care4Kids and Headstart program provide vital education opportunities that give children a strong foundation for success while ensuring parents can participate in the workforce,” said Travis Woodward, President of CSEA SEIU Local 2001 representing childcare workers, public school employees and state employees, “Work across our state agencies also rely on these federal grants, including at the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection and the Agricultural Station. Without federal grants, Connecticut risks the well-being of our children and the safety of our communities and well being of our beautiful state”

These programs provide a lifeline to families struggling to make ends meet, ensuring they have the support needed to put food on the table and keep their families stable,” said Karime Pimentel, Naugatuck Valley Project, “Removing these resources only deepens poverty, exacerbates inequality, and places unnecessary strain on local communities and services. At a time when many are still recovering from economic hardships, these cuts are not only heartless—they are short-sighted and harmful to the very fabric of our society."

“Cutting funding for school lunch programs would be a direct attack on the health and well-being of our children,” explained Isabel Rivera, Fight for HPS community coalition, “These programs ensure that every student, regardless of their background, has access to nutritious meals that are essential for learning and growth. For many in our schools this is the only meal they will have. The impact of these cuts will be felt long after the school bell rings, as they set back efforts to build a healthier, more equitable future for all." 

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

KnowYour Rights and Solidarity Summit Organizing Underway


As the fights heat up to protect democratic rights and people's needs in Congress and at the State Legislature, dozens of know your rights trainings by the ACLU, Indivisible and other groups are engaging activists across the state, preparing for what the Trump administration might bring. At the city level whole communities are being organized to protect each other and stand up for their needs.

This is especailly so in New Haven. Tthree days before Trump's inauguration, the City released a Resource Guide for New Residents, prepared along with immigrant rights, legal aid and community groups. The guide affirms New Haven as a welcoming city with information about government and nonprofit resources and services including know your rights, legal services, public safety, family preparedness and emergency planning, schools and education, health and wellness, housing and shelter, among other critical services, available at

At the same time, New Haven Rising is organizing for a Solidarity Summit on Tuesday February 4 at Trinity Temple on 285 Dixwell Ave, saying “We must not give in to feaer and division. We must prepare to stand up together and build a bolder vision of a just future for all the residents of our city and beyond.”

The Summit will address the fact that at the same time many families are struggling to get by, $2.5 billion is being invested in luxury apartments and biotech companies while Yale receives $100 million in tax breaks. The call to the Summit says, “As the right-wing enacts a program based on fear and division that is designed to benefit the wealthy, we must stand together and demand a different vision for our city, state, and country. We must fight to ensure that New Haven is a city that protects all of our rights, particularly those who Trump’s regime is likely to target, while providing opportunity to working families.

The Solidarity Summit is being held “to demand that jood union jobs be availaboe to more of our residents, that housing be safe and affordable, and that our city is fully-funded to support our residents' needs and ensure a just future here for youth and for all.”

“Our Freedom, our future. We are not going back.” CT delegation inspired at People's March in DC


When the People’s March was announced for January 18th 2025, the Communist Party USA immediately began mobilizing for a large contingent in DC. The march would cap the strong 60-day response to Trump’s election victory which focused on strengthening our coalitions and building a united front against his fascist agenda. It would be a show of strength against Trump and the MAGA movements threat of mass deportations, attacks on civil and labor rights, and reproductive rights. We would stand with over a hundred working class organizations who have been involved in the struggle for freedom, democracy, and equality. 

The Connecticut contingent of 21 adults and two toddlers,traveled by train to the march. Donations from all across the state flew in to support the group, including some who themselves could not go.

The morning of the march was grey, cold, and damp. That, however, did not reflect the mood inside the city. There was a certain excitement as we could see people walking toward the metro stations, wearing pink hats, some carrying banners. The Connecticut contingent met up before the march, reaffirming the importance of this event. Then, we were off to Farragut square where our Communist Party contingent from many states would meet and where the march would kick off. 

 Every corner of the square was active with speeches and journalists doing interviews. The Communist Party contingent banners were splayed out on the grass. The biggest one, “Our Freedom, our future. We are not going back.” summed up what people were feeling that day on the eve of Trump’s second term. 

The march, which according to organizers was over 50,000 strong, felt like a repudiation of what January 6, 2021 represented. When Trump and his cronies lost the election, they called on their fascist militias to try to overthrow the government in a violent coup. The people lost this election, but we chose the path of democracy and building a mass movement to bring about the change we want to see. This event brought together a very diverse group and causes with a common thread of building people power against Trump’s corporate agenda. 

This was the theme of the rally at the reflecting pool of the Lincoln Memorial where the march ended. Ben Jealous, former President of the NAACP and current Executive Director of the Sierra Club spoke about the fight for a greener and healthier Mother Earth. The march revealed a growing melding of climate change and environmental activism with the anti-war peace movement as we fight to live in healthy, sustained communities.

Beth Miller, Political Director of Jewish Voice for Peace spoke about joining the march with the Palestinian freedom movement to make clear that all of our liberations from the US to Palestine and everywhere in between are connected, and that facism both at home and abroad requires a big broad united front.

Analilia Mejia, co-executive Director of the Center for Popular Democracy, warned against apathy in the face of defeat, reminding attendees that freedom and justice is not a final destination but a practice that requires us to wake up everyday and make a decision to either uphold democracy and a government for the people or sit it out altogether. Several speakers called on members of Congress to demonstrate the same level of courage that our communities have long demonstrated in the global fight for justice and liberation.

As we boarded the train back to Connecticut, there was a sense of awe that comes from being part of something bigger, a movement, a historic event. It felt like this was the culmination of years of organizing. The election did not go our way, and we have to reckon with that. But the work that was done to build coalitions, to build unity against the power of the capitalist class, has not dissolved. At the march it was palpable. Our contingent came away with a renewed sense of purpose and comradeship that comes from accomplishing something together. We were proud to have made this trip a succes.

200 Rally at New London People’s March to Defend Democracy


NEW LONDON, CONN. A People’s March in downtown New London, Saturday January 18, drew over 200 participants supporting immigrants, reproductive rights, the LGBTQ+ community, people of color and workers as part of defending democratic rights.

Rally participants reflected the area’s diversity in gender, race, ethnic background and age. Workers, students and retired came together to oppose the Trump Administrations threats to U.S. democracy and support specific groups targeted by the extreme right-wing.

The local march, one of hundreds across the country, was organized by a coalition of groups including the All Souls Unitarian Universalist Congregationalist Church of New London, local progressive groups and immigrants rights, women’s and LGBTQ+ groups.

The Call to Action included: “We all march for different reasons. But we march for the same cause: to defend our rights and our future The People’s March is about one thing: our power. It’s a bold demonstration of the resilience of resistance: We march to unite the people who’ve been the resistance for generations-and to welcome even more”\

Speakers included state and local elected officials and representatives of local organizations. Rev. Carolyn Patierno, pastor of All Souls called on participants to meet new people and get them involved in the resistance.

Mayor Michael Passero of New London urged those at the rally not to get discouraged, but to work together to protect those targeted by Trump, specifically ”the undocumented, the people without papers, with us for years and decades, they are a part of us…”.

Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz confirmed that Connecticut state agencies will enforce State laws that protect women’s protective rights, immigrant, and workers rights. She indicated that reduced federal funding for health, education and social services are a real possibility under the Trump Administration and Republican led Congress.

Attorney General William Tong committed the Connecticut Attorney General’s office to defending those under attack by the Trump Administration, and rights protected under Connecticut laws.

Speakers from local and regional organizations included Liz Gustafson, director of the Connecticut chapter of Reproductive Equity Now; Angela Florez Penilla, a paralegal with Immigration Advocacy and Support Center in New London, and Kris Wraight of OutCT LGBTQ+.who addressed dangers to the trans community and identified capitalism and the military industrial complex as the forces behind the corporate right wing agemda.

This People’s March/rally shows that the resistance in Eastern Connecticut and the Connecticut shoreline is ready to build support for democratic rights in the White House, U.S. Congress as well as in Connecticut.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's Call to Action


January 20, 2025, will highlight a stark contrast between Donald Trump’s Project 2025 and Martin Luther King Jr.'s final message before his assassination. Project 2025, developed by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, advocates dismantling the so-called "deep state" by drastically cutting budgets for government agencies, including eliminating the Department of Education. It also proposes yet another massive tax break for billionaires and wealthy corporations.

In stark contrast, Dr. King’s 1967 book Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community? called for a progressive transformation of the American economy. He championed the abolition of poverty through the implementation of a guaranteed income. Dr. King observed, “For racism, poverty, and militarism to end, a new set of values must emerge. Our economy must prioritize human beings over property and profit.”

Dr. King warned of a dangerous agenda: “The segregationist aims to undo all reforms, reinstating blatant oppression or even a form of native fascism within our nation.” He further noted, “Individuals once dismissed as political novelties have become governors or narrowly missed election. Their success is achieved through a toxic blend of bigotry, prejudice, half-truths, and outright lies.”

Dr. King’s call to action resonates now more than ever: “Structures of evil do not crumble by passive waiting. If history teaches us anything, it is that evil is recalcitrant and determined, and never voluntarily relinquishes its hold short of an almost fanatical resistance. Evil must be attacked by a counteracting persistence—by the day-to-day assault of the battering rams of justice.”

-- Tom Connolly

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Connecticut For All Coalition Presents 2025 Equity Agenda


Days after the legislative session began, nearly 200 people filled the Logislative Office Building with Connecticut For All coalition to present the 2025 Equity Agenda - a roadmap for Connecticut to lift up all of our community members. Lfocusing on different specific needs, they all emphasized the need to take down the roadblacks of fiscal austerity that are harming the people of Connecrticut despite a large budget surplus.

The coalition's recommendations include introducing fair tax structures that ask the wealthiest residents to contribute their fair share while expanding support for working families through targeted investments in education, affordable housing, and healthcare. The 2025 Equity Agenda builds on years of grassroots advocacy, with community, faith, and labor leaders at the forefront of this growing movement.

Year after year we have returned to this building to do the work of the people. We return inside of a

rhetorical milieu of equity,” said State Senator Gary Winfield, “Because we continue to fail to make the necessary investments in the very programs that hit the root causes of inequity- housing, education, healthcare, public services those words serve only as platitudes with little if any meaning in the lives of the many who need them to be our call to action. We cannot continue to allow our upside down tax structure and irresponsible fiscal

policies dictate our investment decisions and the chance at a better Connecticut.”

Our constituents elected us this past November to be their voice at the Capitol as we fight for the critical investments our communities need, investments that have been drastically underfunded for too long,” State Rep Jillan Gilchrest, of West Hartford emphasized. “The legislature has the power - and numbers - to make bold changes to our fiscal policies and tax system so that they work for all of Connecticut and move our economy forward in a positive growth direction,” she added.

The Equity Agenda represents a roadmap to a better future for Connecticut - one where workers are valued and protected, where families have the keys they need to thrive, and where our state’s economic health is directly tied to the strength in our communities,” said Rob Baril, President of SEIU 1199, “For too long, working families have had to make difficult choices while our state siphons off billions and protects the ultra-wealthy and corporations from paying their fair share. It’s past time for our legislators to stand up and address the issues that we elected them to fix.”

Despite undocumented immigrants contributing $406 million in annual contributions to state and localtaxes, most of us cannot see a doctor because of our status,” said Valentina Diaz, member of CTStudents for a Dream and HUSKY For Immigrants, “Connecticut residents should be seeing our taxdollars invested in the programs that support our communities, not paying an old debt at an irresponsible rate while watching our urgent needs multiply. How many more of us have to needlessly suffer from preventable illnesses and conditions until we see the modest investment we need?”

The reality is, the low pay makes it hard to attract and retain staff. I often work 16-hour shifts because there simply isn’t enough staff,” said Meriam Robinson, LPN, a Nursing Home Worker at Trinity Health, “My coworkers and I are burned out, mentally and physically. I’ve gone from being someone who never struggled with depression to now relying on medication just to cope with the stress of this job. And yet, I advocate for my residents, ensuring they get the food, care, and resources they need, because if I don’tstand up for them, who will?”

Despite dedicated educators, the limited resources, large caseloads, and insufficient training widened my son’s achievement gap while he attended New Haven Public Schools,” said Jennifer Graves, VP of the New Haven Federation of Teachers, Parent & Special Education Teacher, “Even though his school wanted him to succeed, they could not afford to do more. When we transferred to our home district inNorth Haven, he gained access to specialized programs and smaller classes that transformed his schoolexperience, displaying a stark disparity between two districts just 10 minutes apart. Zip codes must no longer determine educational opportunities.”

When looming cuts to federal funding, and an over-reliance upon fiscal guardrails threaten our statebudget, one common-sense solution would represent a direct investment in our people – without a dollar being spent,” said Zach Postle, leader with the CT Tenant Union, “For over 40 years, Connecticut’sJust Cause” law has prohibited no-fault evictions against renters who are 62 years or older, or have a disability, and live in a building with 5 or more units. The simple question is, why don’t we extend these protections to everyone?”

CT ACLU Organizes “Firewall of Freedom”


Concerned with the future of democratic rights in a second Trump term, 250 people filled the First Congregational Church of Old Lyme to solidify their resistance. The meeting was one of eight called by Connecticut ACLU to share Trump’s day-one plans and their “Firewall of Freedom.” response.

Trans and migrant communities will be the first targets. Specifically, Trump will likely use executive orders to roll back educational protections for trans gendered students. Over time, Trump and the MAGA majority in Congress will move to add conditions to federal dollars to states as a way to further curtail LGBTQ+ rights by labeling the LGBTQ+ community as “obscene,” along with mandates to force “patriotic” speech in schools.

The history of placing conditions on federal funds includes the example of encouraging states to raise the drinking age to 21 as a condition of getting federal money for roads.

Accepting conditions on federal funding is not a requirement. States can choose to reject MAGA dictates and fund their programs directly to the extent possible. Participants in the meeting were urged to call on Governor Lamont to reject any federal dollars that contain MAGA conditions: and at the same time roll-back the fiscal “guardrails” that greatly limit state spending on peoples’ needs.

To carry out his threat of mass deportations, Trump may declare a state of emergency allowing the military and national guard to conduct violent and aggressive raids on migrant communities. ICE raids may become more common in Connecticut. The ACLU has been working closely with elected officials throughout the country and Connecticut to prepare for a Trump sham “national emergency.”

Efforts are also underway in the General Assembly to strengthen Connecticut’s privacy laws and remove unnecessary citizenship questions used by ICE and right-wing groups to target migrant communities. CT ACLU has prepared a Know Your Rights: Immigrants Rights pamphlet on what to do if your community is being raided by the federal government: available at:

Endangering women's’ rights and the right of a woman to choose to have an abortion, extremist groups and large companies will likely be permitted to buy, sell, and share private medical data, violating the privacy of women’s healthcare decisions. In addition to pushing for stronger privacy laws, the CT ACLU has launched an Abortion Legal Hotline: 833-309-6301.

In preparation for the first 100 days Trump assault, participants were urged to get educated and organize.