Three labor and community leaders will be honored with the Amistad Award on Sunday, December 7 at 4:00 p.m. at the New Haven Peoples Center at 37 Howe Street, New Haven.
The annual award, presented by the People’s Weekly World, will recognize the accomplishments of Alfred Marder, Kathleen Jackson and Juan Hernandez for social change..
The public is invited to the afternoon reception whose theme is “The Election of Our Lifetime – Where from Here?” Community and labor activists from around the state will come together to celebrate change and begin the work of organizing in a new political climate to meet the pressing economic and social needs facing working families
The Irish music group Rabble Rousers, with Bill Collins and Gary MacConnie. will perform labor songs. Hartford area labor leader Merrilee Milstein who passed away in June will be remembered. An international gift table and home made buffet will round out the program.
Al Marder, chair of the Amistad Committee, Connecticut African American Freedom Trail and City of New Haven Peace Commission is being honored for his vision and steadfast activism for equality, peace and social justice.
Kathleen Jackson, chairwoman of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists in Connecticut, is being recognized for consistent organizing which has inspired activism and brought forth new grassroots leaders.
Juan Hernandez, assistant district leader of SEIU 32 BJ Justice for Janitors, has organized low wage and immigrant workers to win union recognition, respect and dignity on the job with his leadership, persistence and courage.
The reception is hosted by the Peoples Weekly World on the occasion of the 89th anniversary of the Communist Party USA. Tickets are $10 or what you can afford. For information call 203-624-8664.
The views, issues, struggles and movements of Connecticut's working families. Sponsored by the Connecticut Communist Party USA.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Election of Our Lifetime – Where from Here?
Reception and Greeting Book December 7, 2008
Join in with other labor and community activists to celebrate this year's
turning point election victories, and get ready for the struggle ahead.
This year's Amistad Awards will be presented by the People's Weekly World
on Sunday, December 7 at the annual anniversary reception at 4:00 pm at
the New Haven People's Center, 37 Howe Street, New Haven (203) 624-8664
Recognize and celebrate the contribution of three grass roots leaders
and organizers for social change.
Al Marder, chair of the Amistad Committee, CT African American Freedom
Trail and City of New Haven Peace Commission has strengthened unity with
his vision and steadfast activism for equality, peace and social justice.
Kathy Jackson, chairwoman of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists in
Connecticut, has inspired activism and brought forth new grassroots
leaders with her hard work and consistent organizing to turn our country
Juan Hernandez, assistant district leader of SEIU 32 BJ Justice for
Janitors, has organized low wage and immigrant workers to win union
recognition, respect and dignity on the job with his leadership,
persistence and courage.
We invite you to participate in our annual greeting book to recognize
the recipients. This year, the book is dedicated to the memory of our
great friend Merrilee Milstein, who received the Amistad Award in 2006.
She dedicated her life to the cause of working people and equality which
we carry on. The greeting book deadline has been moved to November 20.
Call 203-624-8664.
Enjoy the music of the Rabble Rousers, just back from campaiging in
Virginia! International gift table. Home-made buffet.
The reception is hosted by the Peoples Weekly World on the occasion of
the 89th anniversary of the Communist Party USA.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Election Day Voting Rights - Tuesday, November 4
Spanish language: 1-888-Ve-Y-VOTA
Asian languages: 1-800-966-5946 (Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese or Khmer)
- Verify your polling place. Call your local Registrar of Voters or election officials.
- Bring identification, preferably a government issues photo ID with your name and registered address
- Ask for help from poll workers and check posted signs if you have a question or need assistance
- Make sure to cast a vote. If you are in line when the polls close, stay in line. You are entitled to vote.
- If you are offered a provisional ballot ask if you can cast a regular ballot by providing additional ID or by going to another polling place. If no alternative is available cast a provisional ballot.
- If you have a voting rights problem ask to speak with the chief election official or a voting rights volunteer at the polls or call the national Election Protection Hotline:
Spanish language: 1-888-Ve-Y-VOTA
Asian languages: 1-800-966-5946 (Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese or Khmer)
Issued by: CT People’s Weekly World (203) 624-8664 (203) 624-8664
See below re: Vote No on Constitutional Convention (posted 10/10/08)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Merrilee Milstein Day puts working families’ needs first
by Joelle Fishman
New Hampshire attracted a lot of excitement in 2004 as the only state in the country to flip from red to blue in the presidential elections. There was jubilation that night as Kerry defeated Bush by just over 9,000 votes, before the national results were counted.
What happened in New Hampshire? A big part was labor’s role.
“An anti-union right wing has been active in the New Hampshire State Legislature for years,” Merrilee Milstein, then AFL-CIO deputy northeast regional director, told the People’s Weekly World at the time (10/16/04).
She credited local unions and the help from neighboring states with “creating a new sense of the labor movement in New Hampshire. Thousands and thousands of people have been involved in a very personal way to fight George Bush and the right wing.”
As labor coordinator in New Hampshire, Merrilee didn’t go for the vote alone. She organized in a way to develop new leaders and lay the basis for a stronger, more united movement that could win better wages and working conditions and increase political power for working families.
When Merrilee died this June at age 61 it was devastating not only in Hartford, Conn., where she lived but in New Hampshire and elsewhere as well.
Like the song “Joe Hill is at your side,” the call went out from the New Hampshire AFL-CIO throughout the state and to Connecticut and Massachusetts for a special Merrilee Milstein Memorial Labor Walk on September 27 to honor “a great woman, great activist and great friend.”
SEIU had organized buses of volunteers from surrounding states, and also declared September 27 as “Merrilee Milstein Day.”
Honoring the memory of their union sister brought the New Hampshire AFL-CIO and SEIU together, even though they had been conducting separate election efforts.
Nearly 50 of Merrilee’s family and friends traveled to Nashua by van and car from Connecticut to knock on the doors of union members and talk about why Barack Obama’s election is so important for working families.
Mark MacKenzie, president of the New Hampshire AFL-CIO, gave a big thank you. “I think for our members the choice is really clear,” he said. “Barack Obama supports the Employee Free Choice Act, he has made a commitment to put forth trade agreements that make sense, he is for universal health care, and he will make sure our pensions and retirements are kept secure.”
It was enjoyable to knock on doors and find voters who were enthusiastic and inspired by Obama’s historic candidacy, like the teacher who said her whole family was spreading the word. There were several families of divided opinion and others who declined to say. The most challenging conversations were with voters who did not want to support Obama because they were caught up in the lies and rumors undermining his integrity and patriotism. Those who were ready to discuss appreciated the comparison of McCain’s anti-worker record with Obama’s near perfect score.
It was exciting to be part of the quarter million union volunteers across the country, the biggest election mobilization in labor’s history, which has influenced the political climate in working class swing states and districts, laying the basis for a much larger labor movement.
The example set by labor’s top leaders talking directly with white sisters and brothers about how Obama represents their best chance for a secure future will have a lasting impact.
The idea that it takes unity and struggle to win big gains was something that Merrilee carried everywhere. Insisting on sharing this lesson earned her deep respect.
Merrilee was determined to win on the side of the working class. Her enthusiasm, creativity and persistence were contagious.
On election night 2004, after scores of volunteers had finished their assignments, word came that voters were leaving the polls because of long lines. Campaign workers were immediately dispatched to the polls with bags of candies, chips and other snacks to give encouragement and keep the parents and kids, older voters and young first time voters from leaving. It worked.
This year the chance to uproot ultra-right corporate political dominance is much greater. Voters want to be part of history. They see that the policies of the Bush administration, which McCain-Palin would continue, are bankrupting the country and endangering the world.
This year New Hampshire will not be alone. Merrilee would have been building for a landslide.
Labor’s giant effort along with massive organizing by African American, Latino, women’s and youth groups has turned historically Republican states’ House and Senate seats into battlegrounds, including the Senate seat in New Hampshire.
A landslide victory for Obama and Congress will open the door for big new struggles to organize workers into unions and place the needs of working families front and center in this economic crisis.
See related story: Merrilee Milstein mourned
From the People's Weekly World October 25, 2008
New Hampshire attracted a lot of excitement in 2004 as the only state in the country to flip from red to blue in the presidential elections. There was jubilation that night as Kerry defeated Bush by just over 9,000 votes, before the national results were counted.
What happened in New Hampshire? A big part was labor’s role.
“An anti-union right wing has been active in the New Hampshire State Legislature for years,” Merrilee Milstein, then AFL-CIO deputy northeast regional director, told the People’s Weekly World at the time (10/16/04).
She credited local unions and the help from neighboring states with “creating a new sense of the labor movement in New Hampshire. Thousands and thousands of people have been involved in a very personal way to fight George Bush and the right wing.”
As labor coordinator in New Hampshire, Merrilee didn’t go for the vote alone. She organized in a way to develop new leaders and lay the basis for a stronger, more united movement that could win better wages and working conditions and increase political power for working families.
When Merrilee died this June at age 61 it was devastating not only in Hartford, Conn., where she lived but in New Hampshire and elsewhere as well.
Like the song “Joe Hill is at your side,” the call went out from the New Hampshire AFL-CIO throughout the state and to Connecticut and Massachusetts for a special Merrilee Milstein Memorial Labor Walk on September 27 to honor “a great woman, great activist and great friend.”
SEIU had organized buses of volunteers from surrounding states, and also declared September 27 as “Merrilee Milstein Day.”
Honoring the memory of their union sister brought the New Hampshire AFL-CIO and SEIU together, even though they had been conducting separate election efforts.
Nearly 50 of Merrilee’s family and friends traveled to Nashua by van and car from Connecticut to knock on the doors of union members and talk about why Barack Obama’s election is so important for working families.
Mark MacKenzie, president of the New Hampshire AFL-CIO, gave a big thank you. “I think for our members the choice is really clear,” he said. “Barack Obama supports the Employee Free Choice Act, he has made a commitment to put forth trade agreements that make sense, he is for universal health care, and he will make sure our pensions and retirements are kept secure.”
It was enjoyable to knock on doors and find voters who were enthusiastic and inspired by Obama’s historic candidacy, like the teacher who said her whole family was spreading the word. There were several families of divided opinion and others who declined to say. The most challenging conversations were with voters who did not want to support Obama because they were caught up in the lies and rumors undermining his integrity and patriotism. Those who were ready to discuss appreciated the comparison of McCain’s anti-worker record with Obama’s near perfect score.
It was exciting to be part of the quarter million union volunteers across the country, the biggest election mobilization in labor’s history, which has influenced the political climate in working class swing states and districts, laying the basis for a much larger labor movement.
The example set by labor’s top leaders talking directly with white sisters and brothers about how Obama represents their best chance for a secure future will have a lasting impact.
The idea that it takes unity and struggle to win big gains was something that Merrilee carried everywhere. Insisting on sharing this lesson earned her deep respect.
Merrilee was determined to win on the side of the working class. Her enthusiasm, creativity and persistence were contagious.
On election night 2004, after scores of volunteers had finished their assignments, word came that voters were leaving the polls because of long lines. Campaign workers were immediately dispatched to the polls with bags of candies, chips and other snacks to give encouragement and keep the parents and kids, older voters and young first time voters from leaving. It worked.
This year the chance to uproot ultra-right corporate political dominance is much greater. Voters want to be part of history. They see that the policies of the Bush administration, which McCain-Palin would continue, are bankrupting the country and endangering the world.
This year New Hampshire will not be alone. Merrilee would have been building for a landslide.
Labor’s giant effort along with massive organizing by African American, Latino, women’s and youth groups has turned historically Republican states’ House and Senate seats into battlegrounds, including the Senate seat in New Hampshire.
A landslide victory for Obama and Congress will open the door for big new struggles to organize workers into unions and place the needs of working families front and center in this economic crisis.
See related story: Merrilee Milstein mourned
From the People's Weekly World October 25, 2008