The Election of Our Lifetime – Where from Here?
Reception and Greeting Book December 7, 2008
Join in with other labor and community activists to celebrate this year's
turning point election victories, and get ready for the struggle ahead.
This year's Amistad Awards will be presented by the People's Weekly World
on Sunday, December 7 at the annual anniversary reception at 4:00 pm at
the New Haven People's Center, 37 Howe Street, New Haven (203) 624-8664
Recognize and celebrate the contribution of three grass roots leaders
and organizers for social change.
Al Marder, chair of the Amistad Committee, CT African American Freedom
Trail and City of New Haven Peace Commission has strengthened unity with
his vision and steadfast activism for equality, peace and social justice.
Kathy Jackson, chairwoman of the Coalition of Black Trade Unionists in
Connecticut, has inspired activism and brought forth new grassroots
leaders with her hard work and consistent organizing to turn our country
Juan Hernandez, assistant district leader of SEIU 32 BJ Justice for
Janitors, has organized low wage and immigrant workers to win union
recognition, respect and dignity on the job with his leadership,
persistence and courage.
We invite you to participate in our annual greeting book to recognize
the recipients. This year, the book is dedicated to the memory of our
great friend Merrilee Milstein, who received the Amistad Award in 2006.
She dedicated her life to the cause of working people and equality which
we carry on. The greeting book deadline has been moved to November 20.
Call 203-624-8664.
Enjoy the music of the Rabble Rousers, just back from campaiging in
Virginia! International gift table. Home-made buffet.
The reception is hosted by the Peoples Weekly World on the occasion of
the 89th anniversary of the Communist Party USA.
The views, issues, struggles and movements of Connecticut's working families. Sponsored by the Connecticut Communist Party USA.