A spirited rally of 200 in support of the workers at the Goodwin Hotel in Hartford took place on Wednesday. CT AFL-CIO president John Olson, Mayor Perez and Councilman Larry Deutsch
all supported the workers demands. Goodwin has been open since 1989 and will close Dec. 31, this year. The demands are for: 1. Severance Pay 2. Health Care 3. Recall Rights. The march went around the Goodwin Hotel. The Mayor also pledged to look for other investors and to fight to insure that the new hotel is union and the recalls are honored.
The lesson from the sit-in by Republic Window workers in Chicago is that with united action the demands of the workers can be won. Hopefully in this case jobs will be retained with a new owner. These workers deserve full support.
-- Tom Connolly
all supported the workers demands. Goodwin has been open since 1989 and will close Dec. 31, this year. The demands are for: 1. Severance Pay 2. Health Care 3. Recall Rights. The march went around the Goodwin Hotel. The Mayor also pledged to look for other investors and to fight to insure that the new hotel is union and the recalls are honored.
The lesson from the sit-in by Republic Window workers in Chicago is that with united action the demands of the workers can be won. Hopefully in this case jobs will be retained with a new owner. These workers deserve full support.
-- Tom Connolly