Thursday, March 5, 2009

Clergy tell Gov Rell: Meet with us on health care

March 5, 09

Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Unitarian Universalist clergy led a spirited demonstration of several hundred people to the State Capitol today to demand a meeting Gov. Jodi Rell to discuss health care reform. The Gov. has refused to met with their group, Interfaith Fellowship for Universal Health Care.

"Connecticut is facing tough times. It is critical for us to talk to Governor Rell about making sure the people of our state do not have to worry about health care," said Rabbi Stephen Fuchs of Congregation Beth Israel in West Hartford. "Now is the time for strong leadership. We cannot understand, nor do we accept our Governor's refusal to meet with us," he said.

The Rev. Bonita Grubbs of Christian Community Action of New Haven noted, "When people are ill or injured and in distress they call their faith leaders. We hear their suffering. We also hear about the difficulties people have getting care or paying for care. We've shared these stories in our 'Voices of Healing' collection and we need to bring these voices to Governor Rell.

Other clergy noted:

Rev. Emilio Hernandez, Knowing God Ministries - "We must place our difference and past hurts aside and become one voice for those who have none."
Dr. M. Reza Mansoor, Muslim coalition of Connecticut - "In all the Islamic pillars of faith, one thing that comes out clearly is that all of them ask us to comprehend the equality of us all under on God..."
Rev. F. Lydell Brown, McCall Memorial AME Zion Church - "As a pastor listening to the pains of a congregation, I know without a shadow of a doubt that universal health care for all is needed."
Rev. David Foy Crabtree, Connecticut Conference, United Church of Christ - "If there is anything Jesus Christ is universally known for, it is this: caring for each individual so deeply that He focused His healing power on each of them."

-- Tom Connolly

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