Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Message from Working America

An important step toward restoring balance and fairness to our economy was taken today—the Employee Free Choice Act was introduced in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Your senators, Sen. Dodd and Sen. Lieberman, helped lead the way by adding their names as co-sponsors.

Thank Sen. Dodd and Sen. Lieberman for co-sponsoring the Employee Free Choice Act.

Now that the fight has moved to the halls of Congress, we need to take our campaign to the next level—and give more workers a shot at the American Dream. Congress will debate and vote on this important bill soon.

Your senators' decision to co-sponsor this bill is critical to demonstrating the broad support for the Employee Free Choice Act. With Big Business interests spending tens of millions of dollars pressuring members of Congress to oppose this bill, you should be proud that Sen. Dodd and Sen. Lieberman are both fighting for working families.

The decision to co-sponsor the bill was not an easy one for senators and it's critical they hear from their constituents today.

With the most pro-worker Congress in years, and President Obama committed to the cause, this is our best chance yet to pass this bill. But it’s anything but a done deal. Corporate special interests are twisting arms, spending millions on misleading ads and spreading lies and propaganda to block the bill.

Senators frequently talk to each other about how their constituents react to their votes and other actions. If we send enough thank you letters to Sen. Dodd and Sen. Lieberman, they'll be able to tell other senators how popular the Employee Free Choice Act is among their constituents.

Thank Sen. Dodd and Sen. Lieberman right now.

The stakes couldn’t be higher—giving more workers a fair chance to bargain for better pay, benefits and job security will help restore the struggling middle class and make the economy work for everyone.

In solidarity,

Working America, AFL-CIO

P.S. It’s been two years since corporate lobbyists undermined the middle class and blocked this bill. They were backed by the same union-busters and greedy CEOs who ran this economy into the ground—and they will stop at nothing to keep workers from getting a fair shake. Thank your senators today.

PETITIONS AVAILABLE: Call (203) 624-8664

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