Sunday, June 28, 2009

Call Governor Rell Now And July 6th & 7th Rallies

Gov. Rell is now in negotiations with the Democratic leadership to develop a State budget for the next two years. Thousands of people have marched, rallied, wrote letters, and made calls with the demand to pass a FAIR BUDGET. We demand that the Governor supports a budget that will TAX THE RICH, CLOSE CORPORATE LOOPHOLES, AND WILL NOT CUT VITAL STATE SERVICES.

If you have called the Governor's office, call again. If you have not yet called, now is a good time to call. The Governor's office number is 860-566-4840 (toll free: 800-406-1527)

Keep your message simple and clear. Support a fair budget, tax the rich, close corporate loopholes, and maintain vital State services.

Connecticut is one of the richest States in America. The richest people of this State pay about 4% of their income in taxes and the lower income bracket pays about 10%. At this time of crisis we demand a FAIR BUDGET.

Below are pictures of the recent rally and march on the Governor's mansion to demand Health Care for All and asking the Governor to sign the SustiNet bill that was passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives. Also see the articles below "Remember the People Behind the Numbers," June 23, 2009 and "CT Budget Battle Update - Time to Act," June 19, 2009. These are just a few of the examples of people's actions to maintain and promote vital services in Connecticut. [Click on the picture for full screen view]

Mr. Miller, above, is a decan in the Catholic Church in Connecticut. He supported SustiNet and Health Care for All and spoke of the eleventh commanment: "Thou shall not be a bystander!" He encouraged all, especially the young, to get more involved and fight for justice and equality.

................................March to the Governor's Mansion!

John Olson, President of the AFL-CIO, above, spoke in support of SustiNet and Health Care for All

.........................Part of the crowd at the Gov. Mansion Rally

.........................JULY 6, RALLY AND PRESS CONFERENCE

Save the Date and Join Us!

Better Choices for Connecticut Press Conference
Re: Governor's July Budget Cuts to Vital Services!
Monday, July 6, 12:00 Noon
The Governor's Mansion
990 Prospect Avenue
Hartford, CT


The Governor issued an Executive Order to keep the state operating as we enter the new fiscal year without a budget agreement. However, the Governor has eliminated funding in July for important services that Connecticut residents depend on, including student financial aid, AIDS services, Family Resource Centers, LifeStar Helicopter, and many, many more.

The July allotment list is attached. Take a look at what the Governor has not funded for the month of July.

In Solidarity,
Council 4 Action Center

........................HEALTH CARE RALLY -TUESDAY, JULY 7, 2009

Next Tuesday, July 7, there will be a health care rally and vigil at the Capitol to send a strong message to the governor that we can't wait for health care reform.
We will meet on the north steps of the Capitol (facing Bushnell Park) at 3pm.
RSVP today for the rally and vigil -- and don't forget to invite your friends and family!
Governor Rell's deadline to act on SustiNet is July 8, so this rally will be our last chance to tell her that Connecticut needs health care we can count on. Just this weekend the Hartford Courant reported that Anthem Blue Cross wants to raise individual policy rates by as much as 30%. This is why Governor Rell must sign SustiNet into law.

The rally is sponsored by healthcare4every1 coalition.

By Tom Connolly

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