Monday, July 13, 2009

The Poison Pen of Governor Rell and a State Rally

The poison pen of Governor Rell recently vetoed the SustiNet Bill, the Pooling Bill, and health care for State janitors, among other bills. She continues to stall by not agreeing to a State budget and demanding more cuts for labor and community priorities while refusing to tax the rich and big corporations.

................STATE RALLY...............

A State-wide RALLY sponsored by Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ will take place on:

Date: Thursday July 16th, 2009
Time: 12 noon-1:00pm
Place: CT State Capitol Building (Capitol Avenue Side)

The union is calling on the General Assembly to go back to work and override Gov. Rell's veto of HB 6502 that would keep state employee janitors' children off HUSKY while saving the taxpayers money.

For information & to confirm your attendance contact SEIU 32BJ at 860-560-8674.


If you have called the Governor's office, call again. If you have not yet called, now is a good time to call. The Governor's office number is 860-566-4840 (toll free: 800-406-1527) Keep your message simple and clear. Support a fair budget, tax the rich, close corporate loopholes, and maintain vital State services.

By Tom Connolly

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