Friday, October 2, 2009

90th Anniversary Reception and Greeting Book, December 6, 2009

Keep the Ball Rolling. . . . .
to win jobs with union rights, health care, peace and equality!

Reception and Greeting Book, December 6. 2009

We are delighted to announce the recipients of this year's Amistad Awards which will be presented by the People's Weekly World on Sunday, December 6 at our annual anniversary reception, "Keep the Ball win jobs with union rights, health care, peace and equality!" at 4 pm at the Peoples Center, 37 Howe Street, New Haven.

The historic election of 2008 presents a great challenge and opportunity to organize bigger, broader and wider than ever to achieve basic needs for working people. While right-wing demagogues depend on bigotry and fear, the hope and unity of labor and people's organizations are key to bring our country out of crisis. We celebrate the contributions and example of three grassroots leaders who are mobilizing for social change.

Art Perry inspires workers to stick together, organize and stand up for their rights on a daily basis as political director of SEIU 32 BJ Justice for Janitors, having started out as a rank and file worker himself with a vision for a better world

Anna Montalvo is in the forefront of the ongoing battle of municipal and private sector workers to save jobs and services and raise living standards, through member mobilization, community involvement and political activism as president of AFSCME Local 1522

Gwen Mills is devoted to building community labor alliances at the local level to win a grassroots community agenda, as political field director of UNITE HERE in Connecticut and Rhode Island..

We invite you to renew your participation in our annual greeting book to recognize the recipients and honor those who have gone before. The deadline is November 20, 2009. Please return the clip-off below.

The reception is hosted by the People's Weekly World in Connecticut on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Communist Party USA.
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Enclosed is $_________ for a message in the 90th Anniversary Greeting Book
Centerspread $350 / full page $125 / half page $65 / Quarter page $35 / Name $10

Enclosed is $__________ for tickets at $10 each

Name____________________________Phone / e-mail____________________________________________________l

Street Address________________________________________City / State / Zip______________________________
Please return by November 20, 2009. Checks payable to People's Weekly World.
37 Howe St, New Haven CT 06511 e-mail: Phone: 203-624-8664

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