Monday, October 26, 2009

Reaffirming School Integration

A national conference entitled "Reaffirming the Role of School Integration in K-12 Education Policy" will take place at Howard University School of Law in Washington, DC on November 13th, 2009.

The conference will bring together a wide range of government officials to converse with educators, parents, civil rights advocates and scholars who support racially and economically integrated K-12 public schools.

The conference participates will discuss:

* Current legal guidelines governing school integration

* The federal education budget and policies to promote K-12 school integration

* Using "Interdistrict" strategies to achieve integrated schools

* Programs linking housing opportunity to integrated schools

The cost of the conference is $ 50 General and $ 25 Students. Some scholarships are available for Hartford parents that include transportation and housing. Go to for more information. For general information about the conference see

Some of the sponsors include: NACCP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc., The ACLU Racial Justice Program, Poverty & Race Research Action Council and Howard University School of Law Education Rights Center.

By Tom Connolly

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