Reprinted from Peoples World daily on-line
by Joelle Fishman
October 8 2009
Congressman Joe Courtney (D) from Connecticut's 2nd CD, announced today that 156 House members have signed a letter he initiated urging Speak of the House Nancy Pelosi to reject any excise tax on high-cost health care benefit plans. The letter, signed by more than 60 percent ofthe House Democratic Caucus, was delivered to the Speaker on Wednesday.
Rep. Courtney and the 156 cosigners express their opposition to the Senate Finance Committee's proposal to place a 40 percent excise tax on high-cost health care benefit plans, which the House members believe would be passed along by the insurers to working families and individuals. The letter was written in response to concerns voiced by labor and health care organizations in his district.
The letter was written in response to concerns voiced by labor and health participants in the annual luncheon of the Connecticut Alliance for Retired Americans (CT ARA) today cheered upon hearing that the letter had been submitted with 156 signatures gathered in a couple of days time.
The ARA activists went home to call Senator Joe Lieberman with the message that health care reform must include a public option, no taxes on benefits, and required employer participation.
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