State Rep. Gary Holder-Winfield has called on Gov. Rell to correct the broken system at the Department of Labor which has left unemployed workers unable to file their claims in a timely fashion on the web based reporting system or by phone. The story is covered in the New Haven Register.
In a Facebook message Gary says, "Please join us as we work to get Governor Rell to address the situation that is preventing many of CT's residents from filing unemployment claims in a timely manner. " He is asking for calls and messages to the Governor's office now.
To see more details and join his facebook group "No, Gov Rell DOL's Response is Not Sufficient click here
Part of the solution is to restore workers at the unemployment offices where the number of workers has been drastically reduced.
The basic solution to the explosion of unemployment is jobs creation with help from the federal government. A campaign has been launched nationally by a wide array of labor, civil rights and faith based organizations, Jobs for America Now.
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