Monday, December 7, 2009


Governor Rell has proposed a Deficit Mitigation Plan that disproportionately hurts low-income children, parents, seniors and vulnerable people. Cuts totaling $116 million require legislative approval. The Governor has called the Legislature into Special Session December 15 to consider her proposal. The Legislature can act on her proposal, offer an alternative proposal, or gavel in and out of session of session taking no action.

As Wall Street recovers from the economic crisis that they created, Main Street continues to suffer. It is time to TAX THE RICH, SUPER RICH AND BIG CORPORATIONS and stop passing the pain of this economic crisis onto Main Street.

The deficit mitigation public hearing will be held on:

DATE: Wednesday, December 9, 2009
TIME: 2 p.m.
PLACE: Room 2C of the Legislative Office Building.
There will be an information forum before the public hearing lead by OPM Secretary Robert Genuario at 11 a.m. in Room 2C.

The cuts proposed by the Governor are deep, will hurt people, and are very real. It is critical that people take action by turning out to testify, and if this is not possible, to submit testimony in writing. IT IS TIME TO TAX THE RICH, CLOSE COPORATE LOOPHOLDS AND PROTECT MAIN STEET!

It is also important for people to make phone calls to the Governor’s Office, Leadership, and your legislators:

Office of the Governor:
(860) 566-4840, 1-800-406-1527

Senate Present Donald Williams, (860) 240-8634, 1-800-842-1420 or
Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, (860) 240-8805, or 1-800-842-1421 or
House Speaker Chris Donovan, (860) 240-8489, 1-800-842-8267 or
House Minority Leader Lawrence Cafero, (860) 240-8700 or 1-800-842-1423 or

You can reach your legislators:
House Democrats: (860) 240-8500 or (800) 842-8267
House Republicans: (860) 240-8700 or (800) 842-1423
Senate Democrats: (860) 240-8600 or (800) 842-1420
Senate Republicans: (860) 240-8800 or (800) 842-1421

Posted by Tom Connolly

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