As Wall Street recovers, and paying themselves large bonuses, Main Street continues to suffer and the Governor wants to cut deeper into state services for working people and vulnerable groups. There will be a rally at the state capitol to say "NO" TO CUTS AND "YES" TO TAX THE RICH AND LARGE CORPORTATIONS!!
***********DATE: Tuesday, December 15, 2009
***********TIME: 11:00 AM
***********PLACE: Grounds of the State Capitol
Governor Rell has ignored the legal ruling of her own Attorney General, Richard Blumenthal,who told her she has “no statutory or constitutional authority” to cut services that the Legislature agreed to fund, including High Meadows and Cedarcrest Hospital. She also vetoed the bill that would prevent privatizing state group homes.
Now, she’s going even further. On her own authority she has already already cut $16 million from the budget -- cuts that include:
• Cutting staffing levels for direct care and other services to patients, clients, and residents
• Slashing funding for Employment and Day Services for DDS clients
• Eliminating medical transportation for people on Medicaid who have limited vision
• Suspending funding for legal services for children
But it gets worse: Governor Rell is asking the legislature to cut an additional
$116 million. If approved, that would mean;
• A 2% REDUCTION in funding for Nursing Homes and for DDS private providers – meaning more layoffs, more hours cut and even-worse shortstaffing
• Cuts to our cities and towns – already hurting from job losses and business closures
• Increasing the cost of HUSKY for CT families
We can’t let our legislature be bullied into cutting deeper into services that have already been slashed to the bone. But if we want them to develop a spine, we need to have their back fighting these cuts. That’s why we need to be at the Capitol on Tuesday, December 15 to deliver the message: we can’t grow our economy by destroying our services.
Posted by Tom Connolly
Please attend:
How Would Connecticut Benefit from Federal Health Care Reform?
Labor and Public Employees and Public Health Committees and a Panel of Representatives from Clergy, Anti-Poverty and Women’s Organizations will hold an information hearing on:
DATE: Thursday, December 17
TIME: 11:00 AM
PLACE: Legislative Office Building, Room 2A, Hartford
Presenters will include:
Gerald Shea, National AFL-CIO Assistant to the President and Health Care Expert
Paul Kidwell, Legislative Director to Congressman Chris Murphy
Sustinet Co-Chair State Comptroller Nancy Wyman
Sustinet Co-Chair Health Care Advocate Kevin Lembo
John Olsen, President Connecticut AFL-CIO
Workers speaking on personal health care stories.
For more information, please contact Tom Carusello,
Connecticut AFL-CIO at tcarusello@ctaflcio.org or contact 860-571-6191.
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