Friday, January 8, 2010

Ad: Working Families Need Health Care Reform, NOT Higher Taxes.

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AFL-CIO is sponsoring a National Call-In Day on health care, Wednesday, Jan. 13 call toll-fee 1-877-323-5426. No taxes on health plans, and hold insurance cos. accountable -- best way Public Option!

Brothers and Sisters, the end is in sight for Health Care reform in America and we need all of you to weigh in again with members of Congress on our National Call In Day on January 13th.

The bills that passed the House and Senate were very different and they are now being merged into a single bill that will be introduced in both chambers. We need to ensure that the bill that comes out of this process is one that working people can be proud to support. Right now, the bill that passed the Senate does not meet that standard.

Aside from having no public option, the Senate bill puts and onerous excise tax on so called “cadillac” benefit plans. We know that working men and women don’t have “Cadillac” plans but the Senate bill will tax some of our members plans now and because of “bracket creep” many more of our plans in the future. The only way for these plans to avoid this tax would be for benefit levels to be reduced. That result and the tax itself are both unacceptable.

The president has said that he favors this tax and so we must call our members of Congress and tell them to “hang tough” against this regressive tax.

Therefore, we are asking that everyone call and get your members to call all 5 House members from CT and tell them we need their help on this vital issue.

Please ask the congressman to reaffirm their support of the letter penned by Congressman Courtney rejecting taxation of benefits.

Last Chance to Act on Health Care!

The House and Senate have passed health care reform measures. Now, a joint committee is meeting to hammer out their differences. This is our chance to pressure Congress to ensure the final version will help, not hurt, working families.

One of the differences is that the House pays for the plan by taxing incomes over $1 million per year. The Senate plan would tax existing health plans valued over $23,000 (family) or $8,500 (individual). The Senate plan will effect many union workers who have negotiated good health benefits, and would tend to establish a standard of high co-pays and deductibles.

The AFL-CIO is calling for a national call-in blitz for health care reform. On or before Wednesday, Jan. 13, call your representative and tell them:

I urge you work for health care reform that helps working families by

* taxing the rich, not our health benefits
* requiring employers to pay their fair share
* reducing costs with a public health care option

You can reach your representative through the AFL-CIO toll-free number: 1-877-323-5246

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