Sunday, January 24, 2010

Emergency Rally to Save Health Care Reform

Health Care for America Now (HCAN) Connecticut and MoveOn are sponsoring an emergency rally to save health care reform.

There is no piecemeal approach to reform -- we cannot eliminate denial of care because of pre-existing conditions unless we mandate coverage for everybody. We can't impose mandates unless we subsidize coverage. We cannot subsidize coverage without taxing those who can afford to pay. Mandating coverage and taxing low and middle income families is a cruel joke on us and health insurance companies' dream. Insurance companies will win and we will lose.

Our Connecticut delegation (except for Lieberman) has done great work so far on health care reform. We cannot allow President Obama, Majority Leader Reid & Speaker Pelosi to cave in because it's hard. John Larson has risen to Rahm Emanuel's leadership position within the Democratic caucus. We need to send a message to Obama, Reid & Pelosi to stand up for us and stand up to the health industry!

The event details are:

Emergency Rally to Save Health Care Reform
Congressman John Larson's district office
221 Main Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Tuesday, 26 Jan 2010, 5:00 PM

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