Saturday, January 30, 2010

Haiti - Follow the Money

During the 1970s, sports companies Wilson, Rawlings, and Spaulding migrated to Haiti to produce baseballs. Why? The minimum wage was $1.30/hour. Most workers made no more than $1.70/hour. The fact that the country was being run by the vicious Duvalier family didn’t tweak the consciousness of these companies or Major League Baseball. When dictator “Baby Doc” Dulvier was finally overthrown, Rawlings, the first and major producer of baseballs, moved its operation to the Dominican Republic with Major League Baseball’s blessings.

A 2004 NYTimes article quoted baseball factory worker Overly Monge. “After I make the first two or three balls each week, they have already paid my salary.” So let’s pose the question again. Why did Rawlings and company migrate to Haiti? Profits. Big ones.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) just voted a $102 million dollar loan to Haiti. While there is “talk” of debt cancelation, the IMF made no mention of canceling it or the older $165 million dollar loan Haiti owes. The beat goes on.

For more details put “Haiti and Baseball” in Google Search and read on.

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There are many ways to help Haiti. It doesn't have to be money while that sure helps. The United Brooklyn Club collected backpacks and donated them to Haiti. Waterbury resident Nick Coscia is collecting backpacks, 4,000 watt generators and other items for Haiti. Nick hosts The Nick Coscia Special on Skye Cable. For more information, Nick can be contacted at or 203-7562203.

Submitted by the United Brooklyn Club

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