FORUM, QUESTIONS, ANSWERS on exiting Afghanistan with Prof. Vijay Prashad
.........DATE: Sat. March 6, 2010
.........TIME: 7:00 PM
.........PLACE: 37 Howe St. New Haven, CT
.........TOPIC: "Saving Afghanistan from the U.S.(and other extremists)
.........SPEAKER: Professor Vijay Prashad
From its intervention to destroy a progressive popular movement in Afghanistan in the 1970's, to its supporting the Taliban, warlords, Osama bin Laden and al Qaida, to its current occupation of Afghanistan aimed at suppressing some of the forces it helped create, the United States government seems eager to wantonly dispose of the lives of its children, their future wealth, and any good will it might have left in the world.Yet there are sensible ways to extract ourselves from this ugly morass.
Professor Vijay Prashad, George and Martha Kellner Chair of South Asian History and Director of International Studies at Trinity College, Hartford, CT; author of eleven books, most recently, The Darker Nations: A People's History of the Third World (The New Press, paperback 2008), the Asian American Writers' Workshop nonfiction book of 2008.
Professor Prashad writes for Frontline magazine (Chennai, India), Himal South Asia (Kathmandu, Nepal), Naked Punch Asia (Lahore, Pakistan). Read his web dispatches at Counterpunch (, ZNET ( and Pragoti ( Prashad is on the board of the National Priorities Project (
Henry Lowendorf
Greater New Haven Peace Council
PO Box 3105New Haven, CT 06515-0205
Phone: 203-389-9547
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