Friday, March 26, 2010

People's World / Mundo Popular Newsmaker Awards

"A Call for United Action to Create Jobs for All with Equality and Peace" is the theme for this year's People's World / Mundo Popular Newsmaker Awards and May Day Celebration to be held on Sunday, April 25 at 4:00 p.m. at the New Haven Peoples Center, 37 Howe St.

The event will be held one week early due to the international peace march at the United Nations on the first Sunday in May.

Organizations receiving Newsmaker Awards have led in the struggle for jobs and for relief in the economic crisis.

International Association of Machinists Local 1746-A in Cheshire will receive an award to highlight the successful court fight they led to stop the profitable Pratt & Whitney, a division of United Technologies, from moving jobs abroad in the middle of their union contract. The contract includes language requiring the company to meet with the union and consider other options before moving machinery and jobs. The court ruled that the company violated this agreement, and must stop their plans at least during the life of the contract which expires in December, 2010.

The Greater Hartford Labor Council will receive an award in recognition of their broad outreach and involvement of organized workers in the struggle for health care jobs, and workers' rights.

The Asociacion de trabajadores de New Haven, the new workers' center organized by Unidad Latina en Accion, will receive an award for their groundbreaking mobilization of immigrant workers at their worksites and for the march on Washington on March 21.

The event will kick off organizing for May Day events including an immigrant rights march in New Haven that will coordinate with marches across the country bringing together immigrant organizations with labor unions.

The program will include music and a home made buffet. Donation is $5 or what you can afford.

A collection will be taken for the People's World / Mundo Popular in Connecticut. For information call 203-624-8664.

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