Sunday, June 6, 2010


The Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut sponsored a state-wide educational conference on Saturday June 5, 2010 about the new national health care law and the new Connecticut law, know as SustiNet. The conference focused on how the two new health care laws complement each other and the next steps in insuring that all Connecticut residents have access to affordable health care.

Photo Above: Lynne Ide, representing the Universal Health Care Foundation, lead off the conference noting the SustiNet and federal law, Patient Protection Affordable Care Act, equals an win-win for Connecticut.

Lynne noted that SustiNet positions our state to take advantage of resources and a proactive approach to controlling health care costs, delivering quality care and promoting good health. It puts our state at the front of the line to attract new federal dollars to help boost the economy. The state and federal laws work together to make good, affordable health care choices available to individuals, families and small businesses.

Above Photo: Part to the large crowd that attend the conference.
Photo Above: The youngest member of the conference, Olivia, with her proud mom Rhona.

The key features of the SustiNet Health Plan include:

*Each person's care is coordinated by a qualified health care professional.
* Focus on prevention and more effective treatment of chronic illnesses
*Public health programs to fight obesity and tobacco use
*Transition of electronic medical records to promote coordination of care and avoid duplication and miscommunication
*Invest in the health care workforce so we have the doctors and nurses we need.

If you like the health care plan you have now you can keep it and the new federal law provides that most people who already have insurance new benefits such as coverage for adult children until the age of 26. Those who may enroll in the SustiNet Health Plan starting in 2012 include: The uninsured, self-employed people, small businesses, non-profit organizations and cities and towns. Premiums will be based on a sliding scale determined by income.

After the presentations the conference members meet in small groups to discuss the next steps and the strategies for implementing quality, affordable health care for all. For more information go to

Posted and photo's by Tom Connolly

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