Sunday, November 28, 2010

People's World Amistad Awards Concert Dec 5

'Voices for Jobs, Equality & Peace'

Three extraordinary state leaders have been named as recipients of the Amistad Award to be presented by the People's World on Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 4:00 pm at James Hillhouse High School, 480 Sherman Parkway, New Haven.

John Olsen, Carmen Boudier and Juan Figueroa lave long been in the forefront for jobs, health care and basic human needs, workers' rights, equal representation, voting rights and peace. From the picket line to the voting line they have each exemplified the strength and unity that it takes to keep our country moving forward.
The annual awards will be presented at a special anniversary concert, “Voices for Jobs, Equality & Peace.....A concert for people's needs not corporate greed.” Jazz and Latin music, labor songs and spoken word will be presented by an array of artists including Bill Collins of the Rabble Rousers, Hermanos Son, a jazz set with Jeff Fuller, William Fluker and friends, Richard Hill, Baub Bidon, DJ Bell and Ken Brown.

The post-election event is dedicated to expanding grass roots action to achieve good jobs, equal rights and a redirection of funds to meet the needs of local communities and youth.

John Olsen has devoted his life to the cause of working people since he started out as a member of the Plumbers union. During his tenure as president of the CT AFL-CIO he has been instrumental in winning legislation, union contracts and elections that have expanded opportunity and raised the quality of life for all workers and their families
Carmen Boudier, president of New England Health Care Employees Union, District 1199, first joined the union when she organized the nursing home where she worked. She has led many ground-breaking organizing drives and contract battles including the six month on-going strike against Spectrum health care.

Juan Figueroa has been a pioneer for Latino representation and civil rights law in many capacities at the state and national level. His leadership of the Universal Health Care Foundation put Connecticut in front with the passage of Sustinet. He was the first Puerto Rican candidate for Governor of Connecticut in the 2010 Democratic primaries.

To make reservations and order tickets at $10 each, or $5 for students and limited imcome, contact or call 203-624-8664.

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