Saturday, August 27, 2011

Working Families Annual Action Meeting

Working Families Party had their annual meeting today in Hartford, CT. The Working Families Party led the successful fight for the "Sick Days" bill. Connecticut was the first state in the union to pass such legislation. Other successful initiatives where also noted along with Working Families election victories.

The meeting featured the three democratic candidates for US Senate and an information session on three "bold new policy ideas for Connecticut." Several hundred people attended the event. Photo Above: From left to right: Democratic US Senate candidates: Susan Bysiewicz, former Connecticut Secretary of the State, William Tong, State Representative and Chris Murphy, U.S. Representative.

The three bold policy issues discussed were: (1) The development of the Connecticut Partnership Bank, molded after the successful Bank of North Dakota (2) Green Jobs modeled after the the Green Jobs-Green New York action and (3) The development of a state pension fund for those in the private sector currently without a defined pension.

If you want to join in the action for a better Connecticut and a better America contact the Working Families Party at: or (860) 656-9676.
Posted by Tom Connolly

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