CT People's World Oct 14, 2011
An outpouring of protest against extreme wealth disparities and support for job creation took place across Connecticut this week, sparked by Occupy Wall St. and a national week of action for Jobs not Cuts.
Joining cities from coast to coast, Occupy Hartford and Occupy New Haven began with a wide variety of young people, social justice and peace activists, and union supporters coming together to say “enough is enough” to corporate greed. Many are unemployed or only able to get part time work. Similar events were held in Danbury and Branford in the name of the 99 percent being squashed by the richest one percent and big corporations.
An “Occupy Waterbury” march on Bank of America led by the Western Connecticut Labor Council, exposed the profitable bank's plans to charge a $5 credit card fee, lay off 30,000 people and charge fees to veterans.
In New Britain, AFSCME members gathered at New Britain High School to support the American Jobs Act to put Connecticut residents back to work rebuilding roads, bridges and schools.
A national teach-in “Students Rising for Jobs and Economic Justice” which was streamed live from the University of California, took place at Southern Connecticut State University with a call to action to participate in the upsurge of activity for jobs and justice in nearly every community.
In New Haven a honk and wave at the financial center near City Hall attracted honks in response to shouts for “Jobs not Cuts” and “Tax the Rich”. Signatures were collected for Congress to pass the American Jobs Act and put people back to work fixing up their communities.
In Hartford, a MoveOn rally at Sen Joe Lieberman's office called on him to take a stand for the people of Connecticut instead of the bankers on Wall St. by supporting the American Jobs Act. A rally and march from City Hall to the State Capitol “Money for Jobs and Education, Not War and Incarceration!” will be held Sunday.
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