Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Photo above: The four Working Families candidates for Hartford City Council lead a demonstration against the The Hartford Insurance Company on Oct. 18 to strop corporate welfare. From right to left the candidates are: Dr. Larry Deutsch, Joel Cruz, Cynthia Jennings and Luis Cotto. [See other photo's below]

The Hartford Insurance Company has benefited from public subsidies at the federal and the local level. In 2009, The Hartford received $3.4 billion in TARP federal funding. Hartford Insurance also received a Tax Fixing Agreement from the City of Hartford worth millions in property tax reductions. Both WFP members of the Council voted against the giveaway.

While the Hartford Insurance Company is enormously profitable--making over $1.5 billion in profit in 2010--the Hartford has eliminated over 2000 jobs in Connecticut in the last 4 years, and is planning to cut hundreds of more jobs. Working Families was joined at the demonstration by members of labor unions, Occupy Hartford and community groups.
Photo above: Penny Layne, 4 years old, is the littlest protested at the demonstration but she make lots of noise. Penny and her mom, Taylor, have been sleeping over at Occupy Hartford. Taylor was clear that we have to put jobs ahead of corporate profits.

Photo above: Dr. Larry Deutsch, a Working Families candidate, being interviewed by CT Fox News at the demonstration.

Posted by Tom Connolly

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