By a vote of 1,603 to 88 the home care providers who participate in the CT. Care 4 Kids program vote to take the first step to joining CSEA/SEIU Local 2001. The Care 4 Kids program is the state's primary child care subsidy that is manged by the state Department of Social Services. The organizing drive has been going on for about 6 years. Fifteen other states have unionized home care providers. About 96 % of the home care providers are women.
Matt O'Connor, a spokesperson for CSEA/SEIU said, "This particular group needed a voice. They care for children of families who qualify for assistance to enable working parents to re-enter the job market for for folks to finish their education...They are an important part of early education."
Gov. Malloy noted that, "My position all along has been that family child care workers should have the right to organize, which is exactly what they have chosen to do. I hope that they will use their new collective voice to effect positive changes to the Care 4 Kids program."
Posted by Tom Connolly
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