Sunday, December 25, 2011


Jobs for Youth – Jobs for All!
People's World Amistad Awards and Youth Performances
December 20, 2011

Dear Friends, Allies, Sisters and Brothers,

2011 has been an extraordinary year for grass roots movement building on behalf of the 99% in New Haven, in Connecticut and across the country and around the world! The election of many new Alderpersons who are union activists is shifting the political balance in favor of the needs of working people in New Haven.

It was so inspiring to see this rising power in action during the first week of December for jobs, safety and youth needs. An overflow community gathering at Conte-West Hills School mapped out a grass roots agenda. A giant march of 1,000 organized by Occupy, unions and community groups converged on Wall St in New Haven with a clear message challenging corporate greed.
An outstanding rally during that week was the Jobs for Youth -Jobs for All People's World Amistad Awards Rally on December 4. Three leaders in this movement were honored – Renae Reese, director, Connecticut Center for a New Economy, Alderwoman-elect Delphine Clyburn and Pastor Abraham Hernandez.

The highlight of this event and the entire week was the youth of the Young Communist League (YCL) and New Elm City Dream who have stepped forward to secure their right to a decent future. In response to the 32 lives lost to violence in New Haven this year, most of them youth, these young people have taken leadership in the struggle for good jobs.

In the summer they went door knocking in the Aldermanic election. Next they organized a youth jobs roundtable at the New Haven Peoples Center and decided to meet every week. They learned how to ask their school friends and family to sign petitions in support of jobs legislation. They collected 650 signatures and organized a march of 200 through downtown New Haven. They held a rally for jobs and to re-open the Q House with MoveOn, and stood with the AFL-CIO at Senator Lieberman's office in Hartford, calling on him to support jobs legislation.

The Amistad Awards rally was held on the occasion of the 92nd anniversary of the Communist Party USA. While recognizing the honorees and enjoying poetry, song and dance performed by the youth, everyone also learned that the Communist Party is a staunch fighter for the working class in our country, which is why its name is so maligned by the 1%.

Through the decades, the Communist Party has always been there in the struggles against racism, and for equality, union rights and peace, while projecting the need for expanding the Bill of Rights to include economic and social justice – socialism USA- to achieve full equality. It is no accident that the Young Communist League is playing such a wonderful leadership role today.

This is to express appreciation to everyone in the community and labor movement who participated, supported, attended, performed, spoke, or otherwise contributed. We look forward to continuing to build this great movement together, and continuing to share and discuss our vision for a better world.

In Solidarity,
Amistad Awards Organizing Committee
37 Howe Street, New Haven CT 06511 (203) 624-8664
Posted by: Tom Connolly

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