Guards employed by one of the security contractors to the State of CT are set to release support petitions and announce their vote to authorize a strike at a press conference at the Capitol Wed., 4/4 at 6:00PM in room 310...
The strike vote is being authorized by the guards based at the Capitol Avenue complex and 25 Sigourney Street in Hartford who are employed by SOS Security only.
Urge your lawmakers to contact the contractor's CEO in New Jersey and settle the dispute now.
Security officers who keep State of Connecticut buildings safe have been ignored and disrespected by our employer, SOS Security. Despite working hard to maintain secure facilities, we face:
***Low wages,
***Unaffordable healthcare, and
***No retirement security.
Our employer is not making pension contributions for their employees as required under their contract with the State. That's one reason why we've called for an audit by DAS. Instead of addressing our concerns, SOS has responded by interrogating some of us about our efforts to organize for improved wages, benefits, and working conditions. Stand with us and demand that SOS invest in its security officers with livable wages, affordable healthcare, and pension contributions.
The security of the officers who guard State of Connecticut facilities should be the concern of SOS, too. Contact their CEO today and urge him to make pension fund contributions, and treat us with dignity and respect.
CEO Edward B. Silverman - (973) 402- 6600
Local 32BJ, SEIU Connecticut District
196 Trumbull St. 4th Flr., Hartford CT 06103
(860) 560-8674 –
Source: The Greater Hartford Labor Council Website
Posted by Tom Connolly
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