Friday, June 8, 2012


BE THERE:  Tuesday, June 12 -- 8:30 – 11:00 a.m SustiNet Healthcare Cabinet Legislative Office Building, Room IB -- 300 Capitol Ave, Hartford

On Tuesday June 12, Connecticut can take a big step toward new non-profit health coverage. You can help. Decisions by for-profit insurance companies cause many of the problems in our broken health system.

When for-profit insurers give their CEOs outrageous pay instead of holding down insurance costs, when they reap record profits instead of approving the treatments doctors order, we all pay the price. We'll never have quality affordable health care for everyone, as long as for-profit insurers are in charge. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Across the country, non-profit insurance plans are pioneering ways to hold down costs and deliver better care. The difference: health is their bottom line. On Tuesday, the SustiNet Healthcare Cabinet’s working group on non-profit and public alternatives to private, for-profit insurance will present its report.

 The 2011 law we won requires the Cabinet to make recommendations on these alternatives to Governor Malloy by October 1. We need a big turnout Tuesday! The Cabinet needs to hear, loud and clear, that Connecticut supports non-profit alternatives to the private insurers that control health care today. Join healthcare4every1 & the Interfaith Fellowship for Universal Health Care to demand action! Wear your red t-shirt!

Tuesday, June 12 -- 8:30 – 11:00 a.m SustiNet Healthcare Cabinet Legislative Office Building, Room IB -- 300 Capitol Ave, Hartford

Source:  HealthCare4All
Posted by Tom Connolly

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