Friday, January 25, 2013

Gun Control on the Agenda

Gun control advocates are demanding action by the State Legislature to stop the flow of guns into our communities and for gun safety. In opposition, gun manufacturers and the NRA are spending large sums to lobby against any measures for safety and regulation.

After the shooting spree in Newtown, the Connecticut AFL-CIO issued a statement concluding:
"In time of tragedy, the union movement often turns to a statement by Mother Jones who said 'mourn for the dead and fight for the living.' Today, as we mourn for the dead in these very dark days, we must also pledge to fight for the living. We need to work together for a nation where people can live without fear of random and senseless violence, where workplaces are safe from danger so all workers can go home to their families at the end of a work day, and where children can go to school to learn and grow."

The statement pays tribute to all the union members who lost their lives or put their lives at stake during the tragedy including the teachers and principal, the custodians, nurses, office workers, police, fire and dispatchers, saying"The outpouring of support around the world gives hope that what happened in Newtown has galvanized us to put an end to senseless violence that has taken the lives of countless victims throughout this country on an almost daily basis."

Since the Newtown shooting spree 915 people have been killed by hand guns. While prohibitions on assault rifles are critical, if the proliferation of hand guns is not addressed daily tragedies, especially in our cities, will continue.

On February 14 at 11 am a state-wide March for Change to demand safe gun laws in Connecticut will be held at the state capitol. Information is available at

A public hearing about gun safety and gun policy will be held Monday, January 28, at 10:00 am in the CT Legislative Office Building Room 2C. School safety will be the topic of a hearing at 9:30 am on January 25. Mental health will be discussed at a hearing at 10:00 am on January 29.

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