Standing on the porch with Sherie
Miller and her toddler Tramire, who survived a drive-by bullet wound
in October, Rev. Scott Marks asked the youth marchers for Love, Jobs
and Peace for a moment of silence to remember the many youth killed
to gun violence in New Haven. He then asked for a moment of silence
for the children who died in the spree shooting in Newtown on
December 14.
"There is hope," said Marks,
when "young people lead us in a march for justice, for jobs, to
have the courage to stand up. Justice is not just for a few. There
has to be justice for all."
The youth march from the New Haven
Peoples Center to Kensington Street was organized by New Elm City
Dream to connect the issue of handgun violence to the need for jobs
for youth and everyone.
This was one of two extraordinary
Valentine marches against gun violence in Connecticut.
Four days earlier, March for Change
attracted 5,500 to the state capitol. The largely suburban crowd
came to Hartford on the two-month anniversary of the Newtown
killings. Many had never participated in a protest before.
Hand-made signs showed anger at the NRA (National Rifle Association)
whose president dismissed support for gun safety laws as the
post-Newtown "Connecticut effect."
"THIS is the Connecticut effect,"
said one speaker pointing to the huge crowd, "and we vote."
Organizers hope to "change the
conversation, our culture, and our laws." They asked the State
Legislature to ban high capacity weapons, require background checks,
annual license renewal and safe storage. Speakers and songs
emphasized change can be won when people come together and take a
"Let the State of Connecticut
become an agent for change for gun safety," declared Veronique
Pozner whose son was the youngest to be killed in Sandy Hook
Elementary School.
Sen. Chris Murphy's latest report shows
that while NRA leadership opposes universal background checks for gun
purchasers, 80% of gun owners support this and other "common
sense measures to reduce gun violence."
An earlier report revealed the vast
sums of money funneled to the NRA from firearms manufacturers, which
shapes their lobbying agenda.
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