Members of a dozen unions and community groups organized the
protest to make it clear that the voters of Connecticut will not tolerate
corporate attempts to enact anti-union "right to work" laws in this
Josh Herty, who moved to Connecticut after losing his job in
Wisconsin under Walker's budget cutting policies, told the crowd, "Not
only did I lose my job, many people with an education are unemployed in
Wisconsin because there are no jobs to be had now. Scott Walker, go home!"
Rene Soto, community organizer with the Stamford immigrant
organization CRISOL (Coalition of Residents and Immigrants in Solidarity),
declared that as someone who is opposed to immigration reform, "Walker is
not welcome here."
"It was a shame what you did in Wisconsin," said Harold
Brooks, vice president of AFSCME Local 3144 whose members filled a bus from New
Haven. "It's immoral to pay low wages. It's immoral to take away dignity
and contractual rights from workers. I stand with my union to protect
bargaining rights for all!"
John Olsen, president of the Connecticut AFL-CIO decried Walker
for refusing federal funds for mass transit in his state. "Anyone who
turns down funding because of ideology should be run out of office,"
declared Olsen, urging those present to make their voices heard at the ballot
box for worker-friendly candidates.
A video promo for the annual Republican dinner lauded Walker,
attacked Olsen and called on Connecticut to do away with unions. At the dinner,
featuring probable Republican candidates for Governor in 2016, Jerry Labriola,
chair of the state Republican Party said Walker "could be a role model for
how we solve our problems."
Walker's policies have cut funding for public schools, for health
care, and for services that public workers provide to the community in
Wisconsin. As a result Wisconsin is 44th in the nation for job creation. Prior to Governor Walker and the Republican legislature, Wisconsin
was one of the most progressive states in the nation with all major positions
held by Democrats.
With the election of Democrats Governor Danell Malloy and U.S.
Senator Chris Murphy in Connecticut, Republican leaders openly hope for the
same flip here. They welcomed the opportunity to take Walker's message nation
The Walker plan has been devastating for all working class and
rural communities, cutting taxes for millionaires, cutting funds for public
education and health care, and blocking wind power and a federally funded high
speed rail project.
Walker's allies in Wisconsin's Republican legislature even
attempted to place additional restrictions on what food items can be purchased
with food stamps. In stark contrast, Sen. Murphy is making headlines this week
as he lives on a food stamp budget of $4.80 a day to protest possible budget
"We don't need Scott Walker here," said Dave Roche,
president of the Connecticut State Council of Building Trades. Referring to the
funding by the right-wing Koch brothers of Walker's campaign, Roche added,
"The Koch brothers are trying to buy newspapers here in Connecticut. We
say, get the hell out!"
by Joelle Fishman People's World May 23, 2013
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