Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Did you see NBC Troubleshooters’ recent report on the unexpected surge one Connecticut resident faced when she switched electric suppliers?

Ann Palmisano from Bristol, like many of us, received numerous offers from alternative power companies promising big savings on her electric bills. Unfortunately, when she switched providers this year her electric generation cost actually increased by approximately 90% from a little over 10 cents per kilowatt hour in January to over 19 cents in February!

Now, Governor Malloy and some legislators are promoting legislation that would force everyone to buy power from an alternative electric supplier!  Stop his proposal to auction standard service customers to alternative power companies.

Ann Palmisano’s situation is not unique; but, it’s the classic example of why this budget gimmick to auction-off electric customers to alternative electric suppliers, for a one time payment of $100 million, without rate payers’ permission, is a BAD IDEA!   Don’t let Governor Malloy put the Standard Electric Plan on the auction block and cause our electric rates to rise!   Take action today before the General Assembly votes on the proposal.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Nora L. Duncan
AARP CT, State Director
Posted by Tom Connolly

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