The right of home based child care and home health care workers to
collective bargaining was upheld this week by the Connecticut
Appellate Court when a three-judge panel ruled that lawsuits by a
pro- corporate group, We the People Connecticut Inc., and by two
Republican legislators, were moot.
The lawsuit charged that Gov Malloy overstepped his authority when
he issued an executive order allowing the home care workers to
organize in 2011. The State legislature passed a law in 2012
affirming the right of the workers to unionize.
For the 4,300 licensed and family, friend, neighbor home based
child care providers and the 7,000 home health care providers, the
right to form a union has meant a greatly improved quality of life.
Both groups of workers negotiated and signed their first contracts
this year.
all of the Care
4 Kids family child care providers
women, mostly in the large cities of the state. The unlicensed
family, friends and neighbor providers have been paid $2.23 an hour,
a third of Connecticut's 2012 minimum wage. Under their first
contract, they won a 29% increase in the first year and will be
linked to the actual minimum wage.
Licensed providers will get an 8.25% increase the first year.
These providers receive about $145 a week per child, but have to
spend much more on their daycare homes.
Opposition to the right of these workers to unionize came from the
right-wing Americans for Prosperity and the Yankee Institute, but the
workers convinced the Legislature to vote in favor of the right to
collective bargaining.
Nationally, the Harris V Quinn lawsuit brought by the Right to
Work Foundation currently before the U.S. Supreme Court could
devastate unions by outlawing agency shop for home care and other
The Connecticut ruling came days after Gov Malloy won the
Democratic nomination for re-election, while Republicans nominated
Tom Foley for governor.
Home care workers remember that under a Republican Governor they
had been unable to win the right to collective bargaining.
Connecticut Attorney General George Jepson said that Governor
Malloy's executive order was lawful and appropriate
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