Thursday, February 5, 2015

How Do We Achieve Justice For All?

African American History Month 2015
Arts and Writing Competition for High School Students
Sponsored annually by the Connecticut People's World Committee to remember the
lives and work of Dalzenia Henry and Virginia Henry who devoted themselves to the
young people of New Haven and to making a better future.

How Do We Achieve Justice For All?

"The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. " -- Martin Luther King, Jr.

When the civil rights movement won passage of the Voting Rights Act fifty years ago in 1965, Martin Luther King Jr. said this was part of a continuing struggle to end the "triple evils of poverty, racism and war..."

The Voting Rights Act banned racial discrimination in voting practices by the federal government as well as by state and local governments. That goal has not been realized. In 2013 the U.S. Supreme Court eliminated the most important enforcement measures. Since then many states have enacted laws which makes it very difficult for eligible voters to exercise their democratic right to cast their ballots. These laws have especially hurt voters in African American and Latino communities.

With the peaceful march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965 demonstrators demanding passage of the Voting Rights Act were brutally attacked by law enforcement officials. As a result, grassroots protests sprang up across the country. Today racial profiling of Blacks and Latinos and police killings of Black youth in impoverished communities have given rise to a national movement for fair and equal policing.

Express in artwork, poetry, essay or song:

Your vote is your voice. If your voice were heard what ideas would you present to local, state and federal government toward a bill of rights for fair and equal policing? What actions could you take to achieve justice for all?

Requirements + Art work – Paper size not larger than 12” x 18”
+ Essay, poem or song – Not longer than 2 pages

Deadline Entries must be received by 5 pm on Thursday, February 12, 2015
Name, address, phone, e-mail, age, school, teacher's name must be included

Submission Electronic:
Mail: CT People's World, 37 Howe Street, New Haven. CT 06511

Prizes Gift certificates ($100 first place, $50 second place, $25 third place) and books

Presentation Prizes and recognition for all entries will be presented on Sunday, February 22,
2015 at 4:00 pm at the New Haven Peoples Center, 37 Howe Street, New Haven
during the 41st Annual African American History Month Celebration sponsored by
the Connecticut People's World Committee.

Information 203-624-8664 or e-mail to:

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