response to an unprecedented community response exposing wage theft
in Connecticut, the state legislature passed SB 914. The bill, now
awaiting signature from Governor Malloy, was very controversial,
passing the Senate by three votes and the House by just one vote.
bill penalizes unscrupulous employers by awarding double damages for
wage theft violations. This brings Connecticut in line with
surrounding states and federal statues.
theft has become one of the biggest issues facing low wage workers in
Connecticut, especially immigrant workers. Unidad Latina en Accion,
an immigrant rights organization in New Haven, with the Immigrant
Workers Center, issued a report including stories of those who were
not paid for their work as legally required.
theft covers a variety of infractions including nonpayment of
overtime, not paying for all hours worked, withholding a final pay
check, not paying minimum wage, not turning over tips and
misclassifying workers as independent contractors. Restaurant,
retail, construction, day labor, long term care, home health care and
agricultural jobs are particularly impacted by wage theft violations.
report explains that "frequently workers take an employer to
court and win, but they cannot collect any money, because the
employer declares bankruptcy or argues that he has no assets. In
thousands of cases every year, Connecticut employers close their
businesses and reopen with a different name; transfer property to
family members; leave the country with their property; and use other
tactics to “disappear” their assets so they can avoid paying the
worker what they owe."
the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) double damages are
mandated in cases of proven wage theft. Effective enforcement laws
must not only compensate the worker but deter violations by
employers. Ten states actually allow treble damages (AZ, ID, ME, MD,
MA, MI, NB, ND, VT, WV).
914 continues to allow judges to use their discretion when awarding
double damages if they determine the employer was acting in good
faith. It does not cost the state money and in fact, allows for
recovery of taxes for the state. Business benefits by creating a
level playing field instead of one where unscrupulous employers
undercut legitimate employers because they pay less for their labor.
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