Wednesday, November 2, 2016

People's World Amistad Awards 2016: If there is no struggle, there can be no progress"

After this long election year, a wonderful opportunity to come together and be inspired is the People's World Amistad Awards honoring Ald. Jeanette Morrison, Dan Livingston and Juan Brito.
The event will take place Sunday, December 4, 2016 at 4:00 pm at Wexler Grant Community School, 55 Foote Street, New Haven on the theme "If there is no struggle, there can be no progress -- We march united for Racial Justice, Jobs & Peace."
This year's Awards are dedicated to carrying on the legacy of Arthur L. Perry who received the Amistad Award in 2009. He was a member of 1199 at Southbury Training Center, became a union organizer, and served in the Connecticut Department of Labor.
Performances will include the Premiere Jazz Ensemble
Ald. Jeanette Morrison was elected to represent Ward 22 in New Haven as part of a labor-community coalition. She led the successful movement to re-build the Dixwell Q House, a youth center in the heart of the African American community next to Wexler-Grant school. As a social worker she fights to bring families together and for opportunities for children. She is a member of AFSCME.
Dan Livingston is a groundbreaking labor attorney and lifelong union and progressive activist. As a member of a firm of “troublemaking lawyers” (Livingston, Adler, Pulda, Meiklejohn and Kelly), he represents many public and private sector unions. He represents, works with, and serves on the boards of many coalitions, community and progressive organizations fighting for social justice in our state.
Juan Brito is a School Social Worker at Burns Latino Academy in Hartford, and a member of the Hartford Federation of Teachers. He is a writer for La Voz Hispana de Connecticut and a musician who has been performing with his wife Rebecca Delgado since 1977.  He has published two books of poetry about his country and experiences before, during and after the coup d'etat that affected Chile in 1973.   
The awards are presented to allies by the People's World on the occasion of the 97th anniversary of the Communist Party USA.
Tickets are $10. Adbook deadline is November 18, 2016. Information:

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