A large, diverse and enthusiastic
turnout of labor and community activists from around Connecticut
pledged at the People's World Amistad Awards to resist and stand in
solidarity against all Trump administration attacks on people's needs
and the planet.
During the call to action, nearly every
one in the auditorium raised their hand to signify they had
participated in at least one of the rallies, marches and protests
since election day.
Held at Wexler-Grant Community School
in New Haven around the theme "If there is no struggle, there
can be no progress," the annual Awards were dedicated to
continue the legacy of labor leader Art Perry who had helped develop
the Awards and was a recipient in 2009. Art's son Joshua Perry
expressed appreciation on behalf of the family.
Awardees included Alder Jeanette
Morrison who co-led the successful effort for funding to rebuild the
Dixwell Community House youth center located next to Wexler-Grant
School; Juan Brito school social worker in Hartford and Chilean
author and musician, and labor attorney and activist Dan Livington.
Hosted by Connecticut People's World
Committee on the occasion of the 97th anniversary of the Communist
Party, the event featured performances by Ice the Beef Youth Choir
and the Neighborhood Music School Premiere Jazz Quintet, which
performed a special selection in honor of each awardee.
Morrison was visibly moved when youth
from New Elm City Dream / YCL thanked her for her leadership and for
including them as decisions were made about the new youth center.
Brito, who had opposed the Pinochet
dictatorship in his home country of Chile in 1973, spoke of the need
to move and educate those who voted for Trump, saying that "liars
can't play with the poor".
Livingston offered a direction forward
and concluded , "It will
not be easy. But with clarity of vision, with recognition of
the peril we face, and with true solidarity, we will come out
stronger together."
Attendees filled out postcards calling
on Connecticut elected officials to act against the heightened
bigotry and bullying since the election, and also to support raising
the minimum wage in Connecticut to $15 an hour, a campaign Art Perry
had helped lead.
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