Friday, February 3, 2017

43rd Annual People's World African American History Month Celebration

People’s World 43rd Annual African American History Month Celebration
Revisiting Frederick Douglass Two Centuries Later:

HARTFORD Saturday, February 25 @ 6:30 PM King-Davis Center 77 Huyshope Ave
NEW HAVEN Sunday, February 26 @ 4:00 PM Troup School 259 Edgewood Ave

The 43nd Annual African American History Month Celebrations, "Revisiting Frederick Douglass Two Centuries Later: WE WON'T GO BACK!" features James M. Bradford who will address the resistance movement in our country to stop destruction of civil rights, voting rights and human rights.

Famed abolitionist Frederick Douglass addressed 1,200 free Black men gathered at Grapevine Point (now Criscuolo Park) in New Haven in 1864 to join the 29th Regiment of the Union Army in the Civil War. Douglass' extraordinary leadership guides us in today's stormy political climate: "If there is no struggle, there can be no progress....Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will....The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."

Bradford grew up near Philadelphia, PA. He is active in the anti-prison movement, Working America, and chairs the Communist Party of Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware.

A donation of $5 or what you can afford is requested.

The celebration will take place on Saturday evening, February 25 at 6:30 pm at the King-Davis Labor Center, 77 Huyshope Ave. with remarks by James M. Bradford and a home made buffet dinner.

The event will be held on Sunday February 26 at 4:00 pm at Troup School, 259 Edgewood Ave. The program includes remarks by James M. Bradford, drumming by Brian Jarawa Gray and dramatic performance by Ice the Beef Youth including Frederick Douglass' speech in New Haven. Children's drawings from Martin Luther King Day at Peabody Museum: “How can we best unite against hate?” will be on exhibit.

Presentation of prizes in the Arts and Writing Competition Grades 8 to 12 will open the event. Students were asked: "How can we best unite against bigotry and injustice?" Submissions must be received at 37 Howe Street by 5 pm on Thursday February 16. Details are available at: or e-mail

These events open the 2017 People's World fund drive in Connecticut. Your contribution toward the $2,500 goal for February is much needed and appreciated to sustain this working class voice against racism and for equality. Read daily on-line and sign up to get the CT print edition.
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Yes, I will attend. Please reserve seats @ $5 or what you can afford. Enclosed is $ .

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Checks to: CT People's World Committee, 37 Howe Street, New Haven, CT 06511

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