Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Testimonies cry out for healthcare

New Haven's Aldermanic chambers in city hall was packed for an emergency field hearing held by Sen. Richard Blumenthal and Sen. Chris Murphy as Senate Republicans speed their attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act and give tax cuts to the rich.

The replacement, drafted in secret, guts medicaid, covers millions less people, imposes higher costs on seniors, de-funds Planned Parenthood and ends patient protections including maternity care, emergency services and mental health treatment. Instead of improving healthcare, the Republican bill gives giant tax cuts to millionaires, billionaires, insurance companies and drug companies.

The two Senators held emergency field hearings in Hartford, New Haven and Bridgeport. They promised to take the people's voices and testimonies to Washington D.C. and argue on behalf of their constituents for healthcare for all and not a tax cut for the richest one percent.

The crowd clapped loudly as Sen.Blumental said "ultimately we will have a single payer system," giving the floor to Sen.Murphy, who declared "healthcare is not a privilege, it should be our birthright".

They proceeded to call the passionate speakers up to the podium to give their personal stories and impactful testimonies. Speakers ranged from everyday people to pediatricians, union leaders, elected officials and women's rights advocates.

One mother told of her daughter's very rare disease and said if it was not for Obamacare she would not have qualified for the "Katie Beckett Waiver" that covered over $30,000 in co-pays.

Advocates spoke about the importance of medicaid for special needs children, low-income opioid patients, seniors, and women.

Lynne Ide of Protect Our Care CT collected dozens of photos to show the faces of people who will be hurt by repeal of ACA. The photos were mounted onto a cape, which Ide gave to the Senate "super heroes" to help them continue fighting hard. Blumenthal gracefully accepted the cape and pledged to wear it onto the Senate floor.

These powerful eloquent stories helped Connecticut's two Senate "super heroes" make the people's voices heard, forcing Republican Senate leaders to postpone the vote. Call 1-202-224-3121 to thank Sens Murphy and Blumenthal. Ask friends who live in Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Maine, Mevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia to tell their Republican Senators: vote NO.:

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