Friday, August 25, 2017

Newhall to March for Jobs and to End Violence

A neighborhood march on Saturday, September 23 will highlight the need to end gun violence and create opportunities and jobs for youth in Newhallville.

The march reflects the results of a youth survey this summer led by Jahmal Henderson and the Winchester-Newhall Club in their Newhall neighborhood which has high unemployment and violence.

The youth survey was originally formed by New Elm City Dream/YCL six years ago when there were a record number of homicides in New Haven. Recognizing that lack of jobs and economic security leads to violence, the group launched a campaign for "Jobs For Youth, Jobs For All" and organized several large marches.

The newly elected Board of Alders adopted these priorities: good jobs, safe communities, and youth needs. As a result of pressure from the public and the unions at Yale, the University committed to hire 500 people from New Haven's neighborhoods with highest unemployment.

This summer's youth survey was done realizing that it is necessary to hold Yale accountable for that commitment. Knocking on doors for seven weeks on Saturdays along the year-round People's World route brought a number of young people to fill out surveys and sign up to get involved.

When 14-year old Tyrick B. Keyes a leader of Ice the Beef Youth who performed at People's World events was killed, the survey campaign was dedicated to him.

In August, youth from the neighborhood, New Elm City Dream / YCL and Ice The Beef gathered at a meetup. The forum was held during the annual Newhall/Division St block party. Seventeen people turned out including Tyrick B. Keyes' mother and Sen. Robyn Porter for a passionate discussion on the key subjects of youth violence and the need of more job opportunities in their communities.

Planning began for the September 23 grass roots march/rally through the streets of Newhallville to the now vacant former state welfare building. The rally will support efforts to open the building for youth needs and job placements, working with local and state elected officials, community and clergy representing the neighborhood.

Youth leaders are being identified and future actions will be planned.

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