Friday, February 2, 2018

VICTORY for the Severance Food Worker

  CT People’s World – Tom Connolly
The Severance Foods workers, located in Hartford CT, won a union vote yesterday.  They are now members of Local 371, Food and Commercial Workers International Union.
The day before the vote a boisterous group of union supporters and their allies gathered in in front of Severance Foods to support the workers. 
Tom Wilkison, President of Local 371, Food and Commercial Workers International Union said the 60 workers in the shop fought for the union because the company pays poverty wages; there are very dangerous working conditions and zero respect from management.  He noted that in spite of the bosses efforts at using all the union busting tactics that including hiring anti union consultants, trying to intimidate works with 1 on 1 meetings, threating to close the plant if there is a yes vote for the union and daily videos the workers won!
Congratulations to the workers of Severance Foods and welcome to the labor movement!

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