Saturday, November 24, 2018

United in Struggle for a Better World
Unidos en La Lucha por un Mundo Mejor

People's World Amistad Awards

Anniversary Rally & Greeting Book, December 8. 2018 at 4 pm

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

This year's People's World Amistad Awards will take place on Saturday, December 8, 2018 at 4:00 pm at the First and Summerfield United Methodist Church, 425 College St, New Haven. We come together "United in Struggle for a Better World - Unidos en La Lucha por un Mundo Mejor."
We are excited to announce this year's awardees Eva Bermudez Zimmerman, Shellye Davis and Louise Simmons. Three women on the front lines resisting the policies of white supremacy, hate, division and fear that threaten democracy and our future. Three fierce warriors in the forefront demanding workers' and immigrant rights, social justice, peace and equality for a better and sustainable world.
The Awards will take place on Saturday, December 8 at 4 pm at the First and Summerfield United Methodist Church at 425 College Street, New Haven.
A solidarity tribute will be made to Nelson Pinos and his family in sanctuary at the church since last November. Special recognition will be given to Chaz Carmon director of Ice the Beef Youth for his extraordinary talent and dedication to provide opportunities for young people in the performing arts. St Lukes Steel Bank will perform. A reception will follow.  It is a community potluck to benefit Nelson Pinos and family.  Bring a dish if you like.
Eva Bermudez Zimmerman made history as the first Puerto Rican candidate for Lt Governor in Connecticut. An SEIU union organizer representing child care workers, her passion for justice began as a child and touches communities everywhere.
Shellye Davis is president of the Hartford Labor Coalition and co-president of the Hartford Federation of Paraeducators affiliated with AFT Connecticut. She is a leader for the rights of public sector union members and the people they serve.
Louise Simmons is an acclaimed educator and labor-community activist. She was a City Councilperson in Hartford (People for Change Party), has led many racial and economic justice organizations and has chaired CT Center for a New Economy board.
The annual Awards are presented to allies by the Connecticut People's World Committee on the occasion of the 99th anniversary of the Communist Party USA. We come together in hope and unity as increased economic and racial inequalities, climate change and war give rise to new organizing by youth, low-wage workers and the 99% toward a society that puts people and planet before corporate profits.
In Solidarity,
People's World Amistad Awards Committee

Reconocimientos 2108, 
El Mundo del Pueblo
Unidos en la lucha por un mundo mejor
Sabado, 8 de Diciembre de 2018 a las 4:00 pm
Iglesia "First & Summerfield Methodist Church" 
425 College St New Haven
Reciben el premio:
Eva Bermudez Zimmerman
Primera candidata originaria de Puerto Rico para "Lt Governor" y además dirigente sindical de SEIU
Shellye Davis
Presidenta de la coalicion laboral de Hartford y "AFT Paraeducators"
Louise Simmons
Educadora aclamada y activista comunitaria pro justicia laboral y social

Reconocimiento especial: 
CHAZ CARMON, Ice the Beef Youth
Tributo solidario para:
NELSON PINOS quien continua en santuario y a su familia
Cena comunitaria para apoyar a Nelson, y su familia, por favor traiga un platillo!

Presentacipn artística de St. Luke's Steel Band
$10 o lo que usted pueda aportar
FB: People's World Amistad Awards 2018
Organizado por el Comité "CT People's World" en el 99 Aniversario del Partido Comunista USA

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