Even before the New Haven Board of
Alders completes deliberations and passes an ordinance codifying into
law protections for immigrants, Mayor Toni Harp has issued an
executive order expanding the city's 2006 prohibition on police from
asking residents their status or cooperating with ICE to include all
city employees and departments.
The announcement was made at a powerful
unity rally on the steps of New Haven City Hall, called by Unidad
Latina en Accion (ULA) following two years of grass roots organizing.
The united front of immigrant rights
activists, union members, lawyers, elected officials and faith
leaders strongly condemned Trump administration attacks on the
immigrant community and affirmed New Haven as a city where all are
welcome to make their home.
"In the face of so much disrespect
we must stay together, stay strong to our convictions. Hate has no
home in New Haven," said Harp who was introduced by Fatima Rojas
one of the sanctuary ordinance organizers.
Over 2000 signatures of support were
collected. The harsh realities faced every day for those living
without documents were shared during individual meetings with Alders
and the Mayor.
"We are indigenous people who have
been traveling this continent for centuries," said John Jairo
Lugo of ULA. "Some people say we don't belong here. We have
been fighting for our rights and winning changes since 2002."
In that year New Haven was the first
city in the country to create a municipal ID card. Immediately ICE
raided 32 homes in the middle of the night leaving children without
parents. The city came together, raised bail and brought those
imprisoned home. A lawsuit against ICE won $350,000.
Rev. Scott Marks of New Haven Rising,
decried the brutal practice of ripping African American families
apart during slavery. "We were captured and kidnapped and built
this country," he said. "When immigrants come and families
are separated we have to all stand together. Enough is enough."
-- Reprinted from CT People's World