Friday, August 2, 2019

New Haven Election 2019: Working People's Needs

The movement for jobs and hiring at Yale from low-income neighborhoods needs a Mayor and Board of Alders who will listen, respond and act.

The movements for affordable housing, youth needs, responsible policing, climate justice, immigrant rights and peace all need a Mayor and Board of Alders who listen, respond and act.

The movement to reject hate, racism and greed coming from the White House needs a Mayor and Board of Alders who continue to unite New Haven's many cultures and constituencies.

Mayor Toni Harp has strong working relations with the Board of Alders. Together they:
-- Supported New Haven Works to create a jobs pipeline for New Haven residents
-- Supported workers at Yale for good union contracts and union rights for all workers
-- Stood with residents at Florence Virtue to preserve affordable housing for 135 families.
-- Expanded community policing to relate with residents in every neighborhood
-- Stood up for immigrant rights against attacks by the Trump administration and ICE
-- Expanded youth programs across the City and won state funds to rebuild the Q House

Reprinted from: Connecticut People's World

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