Remarks on Presenting JOHN HUMPHRIES
the Amistad Award – John Harrity 12/14/19
First, I want to congratulate all the
honorees, and thank everyone who has come here today to celebrate
them and our collective solidarity. And I want to especially
celebrate the recognition given to my great friend of many years,
Joelle Fishman. Joelle and I have worked together for many, many
years and I have always valued her perspective, her advice and her
But on to the main event – John
I am honored to be asked to honor John.
I do not have a lot of time so I will get right to it. John is
perhaps the most remarkable, effective and dedicated person I have
ever worked with. That’s not hyperbola, and that’s not from a
novice; I say that sincerely with more than 40 years of activism in
people’s struggles. John – believe me when I say you are among
the best.
John has a long history of organizing
for progressive causes – in Appalachia, the Naugatuck Valley, with
Sheff vs, O’Neill – but I am not going to focus on that. I met
John maybe 7 years ago, when some environmentalists asked John Olsen
if he could convene a meeting of labor folks concerned about climate
change. This led to a continuing dialogue, and John Olsen’s
request that I keep tabs on it.
That evolved into the CT Roundtable on
Climate & Jobs a coalition of labor, environmental and faith
groups, focused on climate change. Our working thesis is that the
fight against climate disaster is crucial, and opens up opportunities
for new, local, good-paying jobs in a revamped renewable energy
economy. This transformation also mandates addressing and correcting
decades of racial injustice embedded into the fossil fuel economy
But you can have the greatest
perspective, and the keenest analysis, and not get anything done.
The difference for the Roundtable has been our Executive Director and
Lead Organizer, John Humphries.
I will just state a few of the
Roundtable’s many achievements. In an early fight with utilities,
we got restrictions put on the amount utilities could charge rate
payers for fixed costs, which were a deterrent to energy conservation
and renewables. We convinced the Malloy administration to revive and
utilize the Governor Council on Climate Change and assisted the in
the development and holding of stakeholder meetings across the state
on climate change.
That process led to Connecticut setting
some of the toughest standards in the country as goals for carbon
reduction. Those goals were then further tightened by incoming
Governor Lamont.
We led the way in establishing a state
goal to construct 2,000 MW of offshore wind by 2035. Offshore wind
projects promise the creation of thousands of jobs under project
labor agreements – so that they are union jobs. Most important,
they will generate electric power without carbon emissions, to help
keep our planet safe.
Now we are involved in working with the
Lamont administration to ensure that climate change is a primary
factor in determining elements of a strategic transportation plan.
Through it all has been the leadership
of John Humphries. His understanding of the climate crisis, and what
needs to be done, is visionary. His work ethic is unmatched –
meticulous, focused, disciplined and knowledgeable.
But it is his humanity, and genuine
love of people that shines through always, and helps move people to
our cause. John is a person with strong faith and strong personal
values. He and his wife Debbie are a strong team, bound by love and
a desire to do good in the world.
John leads by example, as well as by a
sharp intellect, great listening skills and an ability to synthesize
diverse opinions into concrete plans and real action.
John treats
people with respect and dignity, and with an essential kindness that
people feel and draws them in. If you know John, you know – and I
mean this in the best, most appreciative way – that there is a
little bit of Mr. Rogers to John, except focused on climate change
instead of the Land of Make-Believe.
I am truly honored to be able to work
with and learn from John Humphries. I am thankful to call him my
friend. But I am most thankful that, at this crucial moment in
history, when we are fighting to the survival of the world, John
Humphries is on our side.
Let me read the citation on the award
we are about to give John:
World Amistad Award
Connecticut Roundtable on Climate and Jobs
recognition of your life long commitment
social, racial, environmental and economic justice for all people,
community organizing and diverse alliance building
together labor, faith and community leaders
Appalachia to Connecticut to save our planet earth
devastation due to climate change and militarism and
create good, green jobs and an equal and sustainable future
outstanding leadership is an inspiration
14, 2019 at
Hall Atrium
Haven, Connecticut
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