Tuesday, May 5, 2020

May Day Rally Actions

With appreciation to all who attended the inspiring May Day Rally hosted by CT People's World highlighting stories and struggles of courageous front line workers. These solidarity actions were presented at the May 3rd rally:
Donate here.    View the entire rally here.

May Day Action #1
We demand that Gov Lamont create a Disaster Relief Fund for Our Undocumented Community.

May Day Action #2:
Sign the Peace Council open letter to End Sanctions Against Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and other countries

May DayAction #3: (AFT CT)
Fund Front Line workers and communities. Make the billionaires pay their fair share.

May Day Action #4 (UNITE HERE)
Congress: Don't cut off hospitality workers

May Day Action #5 (32BJ SEIU)
Governor Lamont: protect essential workers at Connecticut's highway service plazas

May Day Action #6 (New Haven Rising)
Monday, May 11 at 6 pm on zoom. Testify at the New Haven Board of Alders Finance Committee budget hearing. Meet the needs of Black and Brown neighborhoods being hurt the most.

May Day Action #7
Tell the Governor and Legislature Connecticut Needs Vote by Mail

POSTED at ctpeoplebeforeprofit YouTube Channel:

SLIDE SHOW: International Worker Solidarity: COVID 19 and Beyond

PROGRAM: All segments of the program will be posted here: (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKW6NKhvoUphYJfUvRk92DQ/)


Paradise by John Prine sung by TJ Campsey Dedicated to those lost to the pandemic

Internationale  Cameron Orr  (1.45 min) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp0FgR9cEmw&fbclid=IwAR1BGbVi5K8nGcKx-j7T8z3K-1TSlD3-KfY6XLdXNRkvYTOhBTLJaLUcRsQ
Internationale  latinoamericana y caribena /Spanish and Prtuguese  CLATE (5 min) Himno La Internacional - versión latinoamericana y caribeña de CLATE

Governor Ned Lamont: 860-566-4840
Senate President Martin Looney: 203-468-8829
House Majority Leader Matt Ritter: 869-519-5685

US Seantor Richart Blumenthal 860-258-6940
US Senator Chris Murphy 860-549-8463
CD1 Rep John Larson 860-278-8888
CD 2 Rep Joe Courtney 860-886-0139
CD 3 Rep Rosa Delauro 203-562-3718
CD 4 Rep James Himes 866-453-0028
CD 5 Rep Jahana Hayes 860-223-8412

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