Friday, May 29, 2020

New Haven Peoples Center COVID-19 Solidarity Update May 28, 2020


A weekly compilation of links to mutual aid, actions, information and on-line cultural and organizing opportunities during the pandemic. We stand together in solidarity and demand inclusion and protection with full civil and human rights for every person no matter immigration status, race, gender, age or income. Email:

Final call to contribute Peoples Center GreatGive donation page open thru May 30:

New Haven Peoples Center Jobs & Unemployed Committee is re-forming to address the immediate material needs of those affected by the pandemic and organize for legislation that makes meaningful change. Join us in our efforts to spread awareness and respond to the overwhelming crisis stemming from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Facebook homepage: Unemployed survey Open in Forms

Tues June 2 public hearing City of NH Peace Commission Health and Human Services Committee, New Haven Board of Alders public hearing on zoom to place on the November ballot in New Haven a non-binding referendum question: "Shall Congress prepare for health and climate crises by transferring funds from military budget to cities for human needs, jobs and an environmentally sustainable economy?" Endorse here:  Sign up at Facebook event page:

Take our 3-min Action Now  Join CT AFL-CIO and SEIU CT State Council in urging Governor Lamont to establish a Workers' Compensation Presumption and streamline essential workers' access to vital benefits when they get sick. We need to do more than say "Thank you!"
Undocumented Workers Relief Fundmore than 60 organizations and 55 state legislators are asking the governor to create a Disaster Relief Fund for Undocumented Immigrants who are essential workers but excluded from the federal stimulus package as well as ineligible for unemployment insurance.
32BJ SEIU Petition: Gov Lamont: protect essential workers at Connecticut's highway service plazas
Immigrant Health Care: Petition to Open HUSKY to All Immigrants, being circulated by CT Students for a Dream. Please consider signing and circulating to others.
Pharma in the Age of COVID-19. Find your U.S. representative here, or Senator here, contact them and demand they intervene to ensure that any COVID-19 treatment or vaccination is affordable and fairly priced.
Cancel rent throughout the pandemic emergency and recovery period so people do not lose their homes in the midst of this health and economic crisis Sign the petition here.
Civil and Human Rights During COVID-19.  The Peoples Center is one of 43 organizations that sent the Governor a  letter  demanding action to include and protect those disproportionately affected.
2020 Census. The numbers of people who fill out the census determines federal funding for our communities through 2030.  Videos in English and  Spanish highlight the importance of a complete count.  Click here  to complete the Census. Call (844) 330-2020 - English or (844) 468-2020 - Spanish.
End US Sanctions. The Greater New Haven Peace Council asks for signers on an open letter to end US sanctions and war creating extreme suffering during COVID-19
New Haven Sunrise is circulating petitions to Elicker, Yale and Gov. Ned Lamont supporting the demands of the Earth Day Green New Deal rally.

Know Your Rights in the Workplace: COVID-19 English and Spanish is a resource to help workers navigate state and federal programs, including Unemployment Insurance, paid sick leave and FMLA. Haga clic aquí para la version en español. Issued by CWEALF.
If you have become unemployed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you can apply for unemployment benefits online here.
Workers’ compensation claims related to COVID-19: A guide prepared by CT AFL-CIO. Workers who need additional assistance should contact their union or an attorney.
Operation Fuel: Utility or energy assistance in relation to COVID-19? Call 2-1-1 or email. Links:
School meals 7 days' worth of food distributed on 3 days/week New Haven Schools Grab & Go Meals for students 18 years old and younger
Mutual Aid New Haven Area Mutual Aid Fund Semilla Collective of New Haven for labor and immigration justice! Funds go to direct financial assistance or essential items supporting New Haven area community members disproportionately affected by this crisis
CT Mutual Aid - sign up for offerings and/or needs
CTCORE -Click here to join CTCORE in holding each other up. Mutual aid throughout the state.

Emergency Medicaid for Non-Citizens / COVID 19. Ct residents who meet financial eligibility requirements but do not qualify for full Medicaid due to immigration status, including undocumented individuals, are eligible to receive Medicaid to treat an emergency medical condition. COVID-19 testing and testing-related provider visits are emergency visits that will be covered by Emergency Medicaid. Emergency Medicaid is not a factor in federal immigration ‘public charge’ determinations. 

There are seven testing locations across New Haven. There is no barrier to get tested. Visit the City’s COVID-19 website or call the New Haven Health Department  at (203) 946-4949 to get tested. 

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Disaster Distress Helpline 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746
Food, shelter, and other needs statewide: call 211 or visit

City of New Haven comprehensive list of Food Resources

Pantry to Pantry food delivery for low-income folks who can't get out. Hotline: 888-910-2960.

State, City Updates
May 20 to June 3rd. 25th anniversary International Festival of Arts and Ideas
 Our homepage is being updated daily with new activities
View the MAY DAY RALLY hosted by People's World on May 3rd here:
COVID-19 Rap by Roberto Carmon and Nazir Hobby

Informative, scientific and understandable articles on Covid-19. 1) treats both economic and epidemiological aspects and 2) explores better ways of protecting ourselves.
Creative Arts Workshop is offering many online classes, demonstrations, and other events through its website under the heading “Creating Freely.”
Music Jeff Fuller's trio recordings, with Darren LItzie on piano and Ben Bilello on drums, are available online here, here and here.
Tour the National Museum of African American History and Culture here: NMAAHC Digital Resources Guide

Palestine Museum.  View exhibits here: 

New Haven Museum
The history of the City of New Haven is alive and well. We welcome you to learn more about it at the New Haven Museum.

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